Upgraded EgoMoose's Wall Stick/Gravity Controller : Terrain Physics, Normal Animate

I wanted to use the wallstick gravity controller made by EgoMoose but his example place makes it so you fall through the terrain. So I have looked at the code and while I didn’t add functionallity for the wallstick controller to work with terrain, I did make it so terrain acts as normal and parts have the gravity controller effect.

Another thing I did is go through the animation script provided and made it only replicate the humanoid state instead of trying to simulate it resulting that was making being able to connect to humanoid connections but now it should work as it does normally.
Thus increasing the usability of this system.
I plan to use this to allow players to walk on walls with spider legs.

WallStickController.rbxl (197.0 KB)

Wall stick/Gravity Controller - Resources / Community Resources - Developer Forum | Roblox


I have completely fixed the wall stick/gravity controller to work with terrain and made it toggleable to test out check out my place
Terrain Gravity Controller - Roblox

Since the gravity controller uses custom states and it has none for swimming I have decided to make the player walk on water since the controller is toggleable.

Did this so I can walk on walls with my spooder legs

and walk on water with tentacle legs