Upgraded Materials, Material Manager, and More!

Overall, everything in this update is just awesome, but I really hope there is a plan to introduce multi-color terrain areas and blending while the 2022 materials feature is still in beta. What I mean by this; we should have the ability to color certain parts of terrain areas, for example we can make one part of grass dark green, while the other part is light green, and they both blend in-between.

How will this will work on water? We should have the ability to color the water coasts — for example, green — and make it blend into the oceans which are generally some tint of blue.

This would definitely bring these terrain upgrades even further, and it’s a good time to do this, as this new material upgrade feature is still in beta and there’s a chance you can still add this.


I’m currently messing around with Material Manager but some textures are having issues loading in. Could this be a cause from the high resolution uploads? It’s been going on for 5 minutes and counting.


I don’t think high resolution images should necessarily have issues, this may be tied to moderation instead. If you apply the material to a part does it get displayed correctly?

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Hi, could you send me a place file that can reproduce your issue?

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after further investigation, I figured out my MetalnessMap was causing the darkness with Decoration enabled.

removing it has fixed the issue :+1:


Is there a hard limit to how many materials we can use at a time? Just for an extreme example to test the limits, what if I managed to use my entire folder of over 10,000+ PBR textures in a game? If there’s possible stability issues, at what point would they start showing up?


Is this available in Live game yet? I tried uploading the 2022 material, and it doesn’t seem to work in live server


It is not available in the live game as of yet. There is no ETA of when it will be.


Hello developers,

We will start rolling out Material Service on Clients over the next few weeks. The rollout will be to PC/Mac first with mobile following. We will give an update once Material Service is enabled on all platforms.

Please be aware that Material Service is still in beta so there might be some critical issues that could result in disabling on some platforms or completely.

Please let us know if you experience unexpected issues or have any feedback.

Thank you and appreciate your patience!


Awesome news! Been waiting to use some materials in-game. A question, though: the newest release notes (529) state that Material Manager will support Neon and Forcefield materials - how would that work? A bit confused since both have “special” effects that other materials don’t.


We are re-adding support for setting those materials, but we are not allowing variants.


For your reference, an issue slipped through with that change, so it won’t be enabled until next week. We have that and some other changes lined up to improve usability.


Heck yeah! I just played my game today and it had the materials in it that I made with Material Service. Glad it is out for games now!

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Sweet! I’m excited for this to come, especially since I’m helping work on a game that will greatly benefit from custom materials.

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WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! One thing, will we get the ability to add a colormap overlay that is unaffected by the color property? That would be extremely useful for materials like bricks.


This is great to here! If we find any issues, should we be responding to this topic or elsewhere?

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Feel free to respond here. It’s easier for the eng on this project to see.


I found 1 problem, maybe it’s not just me, the texture is not applied after I pressed Enter, I upload via asset manager, then copy the id and paste, everything works yes, but only normal does not load, I have to import the texture again via material manager.
So with any textures, the studio was rebooted, the problem does not disappear



I would also like to add to this problem that textures take a very long time to load via import (material manager)
All the other 3 textures loaded in 30+ seconds. But this texture has been loading for more than 6+ minutes since the last post and is still loading at the moment of writing this problem. Textures inserted via ID (uploaded via asset manager) are loaded instantly after 5+ seconds. Previously, everything was fine and I loaded textures very quickly.
Textures in 2K resolution (Before that I also loaded textures in 2K resolution, even with a large size)

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Two reasons could be , texture has not moderated or it is png16 file. Try opening it in photoeditor and change to jpeg

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