Upload Custom Materials in the New Material Service Beta

Yeah that’s what @Sameerzz said.

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Yeah, and so did i. Everyone wants this not just us


the materials do not seem to save in team create, they appear for me but not for the other person.

EDIT: they also do not appear in-experience if the game is a group game and team create game


It’s because this is a beta version. Once the full release is out, it will work in the website, and on team create.


that explains it :sweat_smile:
alright, thanks


A feature like this would be of great use in fine-tuning material properties.
Example below:


Yeah! i’d love that i am hoping for roblox to add this

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Could this opened through a script like looking for this file in roblox.

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Uhm what do you mean and what are you even talking about i’m so confused-

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I mean some hacking way making file move or bug.

When trying this new feature, I thought I could just use the texture I was using for Texture instances but looks like not. The texture just displays black, and someone told me I am forced to use PBR textures.

I was excited for the feature because finally I would be able to replace the amount of Texture instances in my game, but welp. Looks like I can’t just use the texture id in those Texture instances with this feature. Could you guys add a Texture property to the MaterialVariant? If the Texture property contains an ID it will display that instead of the PBR texture.


At last, our dreams are coming true, can’t wait for this and custom terrain materials!
(Edit: you should be able to add custom materials instead of replacing the existing ones)


U could put the texture id in color maps. It would work too

I tried and it looked black:


Yes, we have plan for this, i.e. you can check Per-Part Customization above.


Thank you for replying, though I got yet another question, will terrain materials have a similar feature where we can add more materials than the existing ones or will it be only for parts/meshes?

Hey. That’s cool! I want to ask. Is there a planned change in the terrain itself in terms of the grid. Now I’ll show you what I mean:

When the terrain is deformed on ue4, I can do it in great detail. So if I need to make footprints in snow/mud, it looks like this:

This is how it looks on roblox(this is maximum that I could achieve):

Please, I hope for answer :pray:


This is a global slider, if you want to change it per object it would be cool but globally would suck if you have really specific normal maps. but still is a possibility


I am very excited for this update!!! This is truly a game changer imo! I can’t wait too start using custom materials in my work! This is one of the best updates yet(right next to future is bright ;D)

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Rule of thumb for metalness and roughness maps:

If it is white, it is a metal/it is very rough.
If it is black, it is NOT metal/rough.

Rough means how much it reflects.

Examples of each:

A silver mirror would have a pure white metalness map, and a pitch black roughness map since silver is a metal and to reflect well, it cannot be rough at all.

An escalator step does not reflect much light but is metal, so it has a white metalness map and a light grey/white roughness map.

Glossy marble floors would be shiny but marble is NOT metal, so a black image for metalness map and a black image for the roughness map.

Concrete is not metal but very rough, so a black metalness map image is used and a white roughness map is used.