Upload Custom Materials in the New Material Service Beta

I am a builder who has been building since April 13th 2020

Basically, you need to convert your parts to mesh parts, it should not crash anyway and it shows an error.


yeah exactly but using meshes = more httprequests= bad performance also mybad with roblox dev i meant someone that is adding the features im kind of going stupid by the day

I wouldn’t recommend using EnviromentalSpecularScale when recreating the old materials since old Roblox didn’t have PBR rendering.


How are we supposed to line up materials?? Example below shows material variant on the left, and textures on the right. Textures are by far and away much more versatile and the texture actually tiles correctly, allow for parts to actually be lined up.

Both have their StudsPerTile at 4, so theoreitcally, they should produce the exact same result


It’s called Beta for a reason. Nothing that’s in the Beta section of studio will appear in game. SurfaceAppearance only started appearing in game once it was out of beta


Here’s the issue - using it with a black skybox is the only way of recreating the old specular style (pre-Phase 2.5 FiB). Without using it there’s only so far you can really get with recreating them. Roblox themselves have said that specular was completely replaced with metalness, here and here:

All of this would be solved much more easily if Roblox allowed using metalness’s skylight style without enabling the EnvironmentSpecularScale slider, meaning there would be no fresnel term that requires use of a black skybox to remove (metalness has no effect without it enabled, which is essentially why I have to use it).


I mean, you could make a script that spawns a 2d plane the size of your foot with 9 bones or so in it that deform the shape of the mesh according to the size of the foot, and then you just apply a negative height normal map to it.

The mesh would need a transparent colormap though and a pretty high roughness value. I could show you what I mean later if you want.


Have you tried unioning the parts? Unless this doesn’t work for normal parts/csg in which case I have no idea.

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Just a tip, all your color maps (albedo) should look as if they were pictures taken in overcast lighting, as it’s the most neutral lighting in engines and will produce the best results when applying effects.


Not sure if it’s been mentioned, but seems that the materials do no save when I close and re-open studio?


It’s been mentioned many times. It’ll be solved when this update comes out

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I think this could easily be solveable by just allowing us to create custom materials, as in giving them a name. Obviously they can’t be added to the Enums list, but idk being able to do something like

Part.Material = MaterialService.Material["Brick Wall"]

I believe could be a viable solution, allowing for hopefully infinite materials instead of being confined to the dozen or so that exist atm.

After playing with this, I remember that with the new materials beta there was the ability for Roblox to mask certain parts of the diffuse to prevent those colors from being overridden by the part’s color. I need to be able to provide my own mask in much the same way for my own materials (e.g. for brick textures, tilework, grass with special features, etc).

This in addition to emissive maps would be amazing.

Plugging this feature request again because paired with this diffuse mask we can accomplish some crazy reusable materials.


Same is happening for me. It kind of defeats the purpose of testing them.

The thing that makes this difficult is balancing the needs of sharing content in the library. Ideally you could share something with a custom material and always have it just work, but if that complicates stuff too much it may not be worth it and we have to balance the two.


I think the best compromise here would be a TilesCleanly boolean; I prefer the randomness of materials in most use cases, however there’s definitely a need for an option to create uniform tiling.


When I import custom material textures from another game of mines into a new game, some of the custom material textures don’t load, does anyone know why?

This feature would be so useful to retexture everything
When is this going out of beta? Can’t wait to see it on Roblox

Is roblox going to add the height or Displacement map? because with it it would be more realistic, normal maps only tells the renderer which direction the slope is facing and how steep that slope is, while if we can add height or Displacement maps, we have also control about the parts that ‘stick out’ of our texture.



It’s been suggested multiple times, and the answer is usually no since it requires too high polycounts. But, they’ve also said no to normal maps in the past and look at where we are now. Anything is possible at this point.