Upload Custom Materials in the New Material Service Beta

Even if they don’t do that they could always opt for having it go directly to the object.
Also a suggestion if someone who is working on this skims by this comment, with parts if we ever do get the ability to add more custom materials besides just overriding default ones can we get a read-only value in the Material object with how many objects that material is affecting?

For example I have 20 blocks in my game 10 of those are concrete 5 are plastic and the last 5 are grass in the MaterialVarient it would show in the properties something like this

The yellow box wont be there just using it to steer your eyes to it


Lol, that almost looks like the red box that shows up whenever the Properties window can’t display something:


Perhaps the Rendering level in your Roblox Studio application is set to automatic. Try setting it to the highest, level 21.

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Thank you for the new Announcement!
Keep it up Roblox team! :heart:


Hello, I enabled material service to try these features out for the first time but I was unable to see the terrain override inside MaterialService, thanks in advance!

It is in the “Material Overrides” drop down box. Simply hit the little arrow next to “Material Overrides” and below “Parent”.

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This is only for material changing, I’m looking for the terrain textures (mud,slate,cobblestone…)

Terrain modifiers are currently disabled for bug fixes

The ability to add new materials is important to me. I hope we can choose to have new materials that just inherit from (but not replace) built-in materials soon. This way these new custom materials will inherit any new features without any work on the developer’s part.

I also really, really appreciate the studs per tile property. This feature seems to serve as a replacement for Textures which is something I’ve been sorely wanting since the introduction of the SurfaceAppearance.

I just hope we one day get multiplier values for metalness, roughness, and maybe albedo/color. Sometimes I want an entire material to be uniform in its roughness and it would be nice to be able to just type “0.1” into a box instead of having to make a low-res image all in one color. Having to re-upload new images when I got the values slightly off would also be fixed by this as I could just use a multiplier value to tweak it until I get it just right.
A multiplier for the ColorMap would be nice because sometimes I’m using SurfaceAppearance in transparency mode but would also like to vary its color.

I also notice we can’t override glass which is strange.


I do wish this was an option. I personally think one of my materials would benefit from this. Could it be a bool value on the MaterialVariant?


Even maybe a Vector2 value in the MaterialVarient could further assist that.

Adding in the ability to finally add our own materials I believe its best if it is done correctly by adding these much needed features such as the ability to disable part of the terrains smooth shading or to increase/decrease the amount of depth it’ll randomly generate such as the rock material if I wanted to replicate that on a different terrain material but wanted to preserve all default materials that would be game changing for roblox. Hopefully these type of customization abilities gets brought up to the team as I feel developers will really benefit off this feature for max customization in their games.


Whoo! Terrain overrides are back up!

I still have a request: option for another texture on the sides and bottom of a terrain material. Here is what I mean:

In your typical terrain like sandstone, there are different terrain textures on the “side” and the “top”. Like this:

But when I override the sandstone terrain, it looks like this. Notice the difference? (Please don’t make fun of me for choosing such a bad texture I know it sucks)

Please ask if you don’t understand what I mean :slight_smile:


I hope this is what it was delayed for.


Custom side/bottom is in our plan.


also for parts?
i mean so it works like textures where you can shoose which side has a texture
would be nice
and would make it better if there is an studs per tile and transperency


Is there an ETA for release? Could be as rough as just a random guess.

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No, it’s not for parts. You can do that by using SurafaceAppearance on a MeshPart.


but then there is no tilingfunction or transperancyslider like in “textures”
if al these were in surface apperance it would be really cool


Pls dont tell them to add transparency to surfaceappearence as pbr dont itself makes it transparent but u can make part transparency. If u want to mix the surface appearances that is some advanced stuff but it is more difficult on roblox but u can do it with photo editor

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ye i wanted to mix maybe more surface apperances
or changinthe tone of the color easyer