Uploading 4K images

Hey could you show me how you had your artists split up their UVs to achieve 4k results? I’m having the same frustrations as you are right now with PBR textures in studio:


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Out of the many limitations Roblox has, this has got to be one of the biggest. Texturing is an integral part of games and while I praise Roblox for improving their lighting, terrain, and material system, we cannot fully enjoy these technologies if the actual models look pixelated and stretched.

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I noticed that there’s such a small difference though that it’s negligible if anything changed at all because 1k is simply inadequate of providing a proper representation of anything beyond simple and small creations.


Bumping this again. Roblox can clearly handle 4k textures as referencing a local 4k texture with a mod manager works perfectly fine (as demonstrated in the original post). I don’t know what Robloxs’ back end looks like but it should be as simple as changing the maximum texture size.

You could make an argument against this by saying that 4k textures would increase network bandwidth and client memory use. I don’t think this is an issue since smart developers can cut already cut their model in pieces and upload 16 individual 1k textures, which would likely take up more memory and network bandwidth than a single 4k texture while also being a lot more work for the developers in question.

It should also be up to the developer themselves if they want to possibly sacrifice performance and loading speed for increased detail. We should at least have the option to make textures more detailed than the maximum supported resolution of the Nintendo DS.


i was literally thinking about this as i entered the dev forum. hell yes, we need this. it’s 2023, and we still cant upload high quality decals/textures?


It takes 16 1K textures to make a 4K texture. I’ve done this and it’s very tedious. This doesn’t work for textures that need to tile though.
For my project, important characters have uv maps organized into squares (2x2 or 4x4), and I use custom texture processing tools to automate separating and downsampling it all. I’ve learned a lot from this limitation, but these characters would look so much better with the limitation changed to 2K or 4K. It’s also a lot of SurfaceAppearances to need to manage.


It would work nice if it was loaded Locally.

The client would have the option to change Texture Quality from the current one (or maybe lower) to 4K.

The textures wouldn’t be loaded on the server, but on the client to save Server Memory and to reduce Lag.

Reply if you think my idea could work. :smiley:

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That would imply Roblox is willing to implement a graphics menu, which is a whole different topic. Servers also don’t load textures, meshes or render anything because that’s a massive waste of resources.

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Which means my idea is so good they already did part of it! :sunglasses:

Bumping this again because I was once again affected by this limitation. I can’t pretend to know how Roblox’s backend is structured but this really should not be harder than changing a few numbers, while massively improving Roblox for developers who suffer from limited image resolution.


Bumping this because I’m affected as well. We need 4k textures on Roblox Engine. The textures on my bigger models look very bad because of the 1k texture limitation. Roblox, pls fix.


Bump. Roblox needs to add this. 1k is way too low


I think ever since MaterialService released, this kinda became an important feature request.
the current 1K limit forces you to use hacky methods to either sacrifice material texture resolution to make tiling less obvious (that is, if youre making procedural materials), or keep it as it is but have tiling noticeable, especially with non-organic materials like tiles or corrugated sheet.
at least 2K would be enough for this. Roblox is already trying best to optimize gameplay for low-end networks. I don’t see too much of a problem with 2K, other than the fact it might take 4 times more time to load compared to 1K (even then, roblox optimizes it).


Roblox needs, this. 1K is absolutely horrendous.


Bumping this.

Roblox. Come on. What is wrong with you?


We need 4K Textures, atleast 2K


Bump number two. Roblox needs to think about this, because the texture generator just came out, and some really high quality textures look absolute dog crap on the actual model because of the resolution limit.

it’s been almost eight years, AND THIS STILL ISNT A THING?


Literally 4K or even 2K is nonsense in Roblox… Less than 2% people using 4K on steam. What is sense of putting this into roblox where you have to download textures at every server join? It wouldn’t be working at all. Anyway Roblox would need PT of storage what would increase robux prices. And it could be cause only by les than 1% precent users. Because i dont think that more than 0.5 % precents using 4K monitors.
But even with 1080p putting 1080 p textures is pointless. You never has tree or anything at full screen size. If object is far like takes 1/10 screen size it would be like 1080/10 so texture 108/108. And even in this case engine has 1080p image in memory but it using only 1/10 part of this. So imagine if 4K. How much ram would be wasted.
In the facto only skyboxes are on full screen size. And its only that thing which need 1080p textures. But even with that is 1080 is not necessary because skybox are secondary plan and you never focus eye on it so it doesn’t need to be very sharp image at all.
So 4K or 2K would be garbage only.

First of all, you do realize the difference between having a texture that is 4k or 2k versus running a game at 4k or 2k RESOLUTION, right?

This also makes me think you have never messed with textures inside of Roblox Studio, because if you had, you would understand what’s going on here.

Like I said before, you seem to conflate someone’s display being 4k or 2k and having a texture file that is 2k - 4k. The two are different. In Roblox Studio, it is fairly difficult to texture large objects or even regular sized objects and have them not look like garbage.

In order to solve this, a lot of people resort to simply splitting up their texture files into several DIFFERENT files in order to get around this limitation and let their game have a greater level of quality.
In fact, improving texture size could actually IMPROVE performance in a lot of circumstances. For example, a higher texture resolution limit could allow developers to utilize just one texture instead of multiple. Tell me which is better: Four 1024 resolution textures being loaded, or one 4k texture? Being able to REUSE one file for multiple purposes could grant fixes to several problems.

Also, depending on the client that is being used, Roblox could simply just downscale the textures if necessary.

Feel free to correct me though because it’s kinda hard to tell what you’re trying to say in this.