Urgent Game Breaking Bug - InvalidUniverse

Experience: Death Ball - Roblox
PlaceId: 15346670220

Our server is being spammed with the following logs, everytime we restart the placeid it starts off with some DataStore Error saying
“InvalidUniverse” and then it gets stuck in an endless loop where no players data loads.

The issue is urgent as we are losing players because of this

We are using ProfileService to save our Data every 1.5 minutes on the this place specifically


We’re also seeing these near when servers start up


Video of logs on a fresh server: 2024-05-16 20-40-23.mp4 - Google Drive

We updated 6 hours ago, but we have reverted to before this update, and still getting the same result.

Further, it seems that the .PlayerAdded Connection function is being called constantly per frame with people that do not exist in our server!

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Did you review the changes made during the revertion of your update?, futhermore this error message is only called when “a DataStore API call errors” so that’s another bit of information but try debugging that “PlayerAdded” event and check if any other code is misfiring it. it might also be a client-server communication issue? Keep in mind:

	 	! Do not create numeric tables with gaps - attempting to replicate such tables will result in an error;
		! Do not create mixed tables (some values indexed by number and others by string key), as only
		     the data indexed by number will be replicated.
		! Do not index tables by anything other than numbers and strings.
		! Do not reference Roblox Instances
		! Do not reference userdata (Vector3, Color3, CFrame...) - Serialize userdata before referencing
		! Do not reference functions
Calling ProfileStore:LoadProfileAsync() with a "profile_key" which wasn't released in the SAME SESSION will result
		in an error! If you want to "ProfileStore:LoadProfileAsync()" instead of using the already loaded profile, :Release()
		the old Profile object.

We reviewed the changes and reverted them and nothing was resolved, it appears that the DataStore calls consistently fail with “InvalidUniverse” and are then completely stuck and repeat indefinitely

We thoroughly debugged the PlayerAdded code on our side and it doesnt appear to be the cause

We are also not storing any odd/rollback related Datastore values whatsoever

okay then, i recommend you test the core scripts of your game in a separate environment, what i mean is first add the core scripts and assets and add more and more to eventually find out what may be causing this issue. Then we can go further with this right?

The issue does not occur in Studio or in separate sandboxed versions, it only occurs in-game

Try This (in command bar)


and if it doesn’t work try to figure out what’s the difference between studio and your game environment? if you can then please send the code related

These errors are very similar to errors our team received when our place was temporarily put under review (we hosted a UGC event and got mass reported, we were restored after ~1 hour). I would assume your place wasn’t put under review but it’s an interesting parallel to draw regardless and could possibly help with diagnosing the issue.

Clip It is having this same issue, I just pushed a hotfix a bit ago and everything started breaking from there. [ROBLOXCRITICAL] Data stores started returning "502 invalid universe"

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Thank you for the bug report. Our engineering team is actively investigating.

If your experience is impacted please share the following information:

  • Experience Link
  • Time the issue started
  • What action you took before the issue started
  • Error Logs

Experience link: OUTFITS FIXED! Clip It 😂🎬👗 - Roblox
First time of incident: 12:20pm CT 5/16/24
Action taken to trigger: We pushed a hotfix for new users that cut back on usage of our settings data store. We then migrated users and the new server I joined seemed to be functioning. As more servers started up the issue grew rampant.
Error logs: Found here

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Additionally, there were some errors that appeared as warnings with “Error code: 30”. I don’t know if that helps at all.


Hi All,

Our team has rolled back the change that caused this issue. This issue is now fully resolved.



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