Hello. I am currently working on a “Solar system” sandbox, however, I don’t know how to calculate an orbital period around the most massive object. Let’s say I added a sun, and then I added a planet, how would I make the planet orbit the “sun”?
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Use line forces so you don’t need to lose a single brain cell doing maths
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
local Planet = script.Parent
local TargetPlanet = nil
local PlanetDirection = Vector3.new(1.5, 0, 0) -- change X until it works
local Pull = 1000
local LineForce = Instance.new("LineForce")
LineForce.Visible = false
LineForce.ApplyAtCenterOfMass = true
LineForce.InverseSquareLaw = true
LineForce.ReactionForceEnabled = true
LineForce.Magnitude = Pull
LineForce.Parent = workspace
local Attachment1 = Instance.new("Attachment")
Attachment1.Parent = Planet
local Attachment2 = Instance.new("Attachment")
Attachment2.Parent = TargetPlanet
LineForce.Attachment0 = Attachment1
LineForce.Attachment1 = Attachment2
workspace.Gravity = 0
Planet.Velocity = PlanetDirection
Planet.Anchored = false
local function GetBiggestPart()
local HighestMagnitude = 1
local SelectedPart = nil
for i, Part in pairs(workspace:GetDescendants()) do
if Part:IsA("BasePart") and Part ~= workspace.Terrain and Part.Size.Magnitude > HighestMagnitude and Part ~= Planet then
HighestMagnitude = Part.Size.Magnitude
SelectedPart = Part
return SelectedPart
TargetPlanet = GetBiggestPart()
if Attachment2.Parent ~= TargetPlanet then
Attachment2.Parent = TargetPlanet
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Sorry for late reply but where do i put the script
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the something
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ah ok thanks
filling out requirements
Oh I forgot to say that… its kinda like a tycoon and it just orbits the same size soo… .
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Make your own gravity system and create a perspective on the client side, so you can get real universe sizes.
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