My robux balance last night was 9:
And now its 1:
What do you want to achieve? Get my robux back
What is the issue? A PC from Moscow, Russia logged in out of nowhere and got my robux disappeared; This is pretty weird for me.
What solutions have you tried so far? Looking at my gamepasses and items i bought, nothing here…
Thanks for reading.
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Change your password ASAP, it may help because your password may have been found in an online leak.
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go see your most recent purchase there
clear all your google passwords, what site did you click on? change your roblox password
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June 17, 2024, 1:20pm
You’re lucky you had little robux, I suggest implementing 2FA authentication if you haven’t already and changing your passwords immediately.
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June 17, 2024, 1:27pm
You probably installed something from an untrustworthy source, its probably the most likely thing.
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Don’t click on links especially on Discord or other media. Don’t paste links in your browser
I will try this.
I did not visit an untrustworthy site. I only visited official well known sites.
New login? weird…
I have 2FA on, but i will try changing my password.
As usual, everyone would click Discord links and other media, pasting links is not a problem unless it’s a untrustworthy site.
Edit: Most likely the hacker were able to log in my account by Cookie Logging.
June 17, 2024, 4:25pm
if you clicked a link in discord that was fake and sent you to a untrustworthy site that guy who sent u link could get ur cookie if u accept cookies in that site. also i lost robux soo many times one time i lost 400 robux after i bought it
Pictures of the hacker’s Profile, i’ve saw my purchases. His device is from Moscow, Russia (From the Security Page, maybe he is using a VPN.)
Picture of Hacker’s profile statistics, He has joined in 11/13/2010 and have 8 place visits.
June 17, 2024, 4:30pm
i always get random log in to my roblox acc from random countries
The log is most likely not from Discord.
Maybe it was a private server you’re still paying for? It’s only 8 robux though… it doesn’t really matter.
The account logger bought 2 random items:
It’s the hacker who spent the robux.
Hmm… people will do anything for pennies… it’s kind of sad.
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I am assuming you cookie got caught. Do you have any extensions in your browser.
Yes. people doesn’t show mercy nowadays.
These are all of the extensions i have:
None of them seem malicious.
My best guess is that it was “Restore Old Roblox Servers”. Do you mind sending me the link to it, ill try looking through it.
“Restore Old Roblox Servers” sounds the sketchiest. It’s probably okay, but it’s safe to not include those not-well-known extensions.
Don’t worry, TamperMonkey is safe!
June 17, 2024, 4:41pm
tampermonkey and restore old roblox… and Free vpn seems sus