URL must be HTTPS

Hello! I’m having an issue where studio doesn’t like my URL. For context, I’m making an RNG game that uses “experiences” instead of anything else.

That is when I encountered the error

Roblox doesn’t support HTTPS so I decided to go on and change the beginning of the URL to HTTP, and you want to know what happened? The same error happen again, because of that, I decided to search on google the error “URL must be http,” and do you want to know something absolutely hysterical?

This has never happened to anyone aside from me.

So, anyone, please help if you can!

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First off, what URL are you using to get information?

If you are trying to grab specific data for a place, the URL you are looking for is https://games.roblox.com/v1/games (requires a proxy), or MarketplaceService:GetProductInfo() (Check if AssetType is equal to “9”)

Note: A specific Id will not always yield results, so you need may need to roll multiple times for a game.

I’m trying to get visits, favourite count and uncopylocked values, I’m already using get product info.

I’m using this tutorial for the website: How to make a proxy in 10 minutes - #8 by WeirdOddz

I did a little bit of digging, but:

You dont nessecarly need to create a proxy to access this information as there are publicly available proxies for you to use. (Ex: Roproxy), But for that case, make sure you are writing the exact URL with the proper information, as an incorrect value can give you incorrect results.