User Acquisition Dashboard for Creator Analytics [Beta]

Cross Experience Teleports can come from any experience, not just the ones you own. This suggests that someone else’s experience is sending traffic to Trenches.

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Most likely someone used admin to place their friends in your specific game from a different game.

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Yeah I thought so, Just seems very strange to me that someone would do that, but the comment below yours might make some sense if its a group of friends playing.
Thanks for the response :slight_smile:

It would be nice. If monetization would also be integrated into this new analytic. For instance, track how much the " new user sources or sponsored sources" spend.


After clearing the cache the numbers were fixed and are now in a reasonable range!

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We are trying to understand better on where the teleport could come from.
Could you help check if your experience has turned on the third party teleports like the screenshot here in studio?

I just checked and it’s actually not turned on

I love this update and I believe this is a great step towards the future of Roblox.

To provide a helpful suggestion, I would like to ask if this would be coming to the monetization tab as well? What I mean by this is, do you plan to expand the user acquisition to the point where we also have monetization acquisition. For example, using the Sponsored Advertisement tab, would we be able to later see in the future how much robux is contributed from that section? Where is the main traffic of income coming from?

I believe a great update that could possibly be made is to bring this system to monetization so we can see if our sponsors are effective, how much robux they were able to produce as well as how much robux is made from people joining through search & discovery, etc.

Thank you for putting in effort towards the development & innovation of Roblox, as a developer I appreciate this a lot! :slight_smile:

I’d like to report that my games are showing no data for 12/13 or 12/14. This is happening for all four of my games that are eligible for this dashboard.

Are users added to Team Create are ever going to be able to access the statistics again? Ever since migrating them to the portal, I couldn’t access the Developer Statistics on a game in which I’m added as an editor, and nor can I access the new Creator Analytics either.

Hi stha:
Yes you can access. You just need the team owner to help turn on the permission for you.
You can follow this post we had several months back.

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Sorry about that. We need some time to collect the data and provide the most accurate results back to our creators so it takes some time. The data now should all be available now. Please let me know if you still have trouble viewing the latest day’s data. Thanks for waiting.

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No problem! I just found it odd since it was showing up at 12:00 most days and then it went 2 days without updating. Everything seems to be normal now though. I can see all data from previous days! Thanks so much.

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Awesome feature, we have been testing it for the past week. I agree with the other developers on increased granularity.

I would like to add a section for people joining from friends invites! We built a system for incentivizing people to invite their friends and we would like to know how well that does!

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