UserIDs Are Going Over 32-bit on December 7th

UserId (the property on Player) is already a 64-bit integer, so presumably it will be that.

It doesn’t matter what the exact size is though. Just change any applications you have that assuming 32-bit to assume 64-bit.

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Thank you for the update. Now, I’m just kind of curious, but can you tell me why the int was made to be a signed int instead of an unsigned int? Was it a Roblox system limitation?

Thank you.

This is what this post addresses.

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Datastores shouldn’t break. The UserID property is already a 64 bit number.

Peoples UserIds will stay the same, they are just making it so new users can have UserIDs larger than 2147483647 (32-bits of data).


Will this affect our Datastores? My datastores use UserID as their key, and I’m afraid it might make some players lose data.

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No, it will not affect datastores


Back when guests were still a thing, their UserId property in games was negative. If I recall correctly, the Guest 1337 account would have an UserId of -1337.

That suggests it could be due to this feature, but could also be due to something completely unrelated. Probably we’ll never be 100%


Are we going to expect a clean up of UserIDs that are taken by terminated users possibly in the future too? I feel like those are kind of a waste of IDs in my humble opinion.


Thank you. Yes indeed, I found a page about that.


I don’t think would solve the issue. By cleaning them up I assume you mean letting other accounts occupy that UserId or dropping each player down until those ids are occupied? That’s a bad idea for data stores and impersonation in general.

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That moment when bots spam account creation try to overload and generate rare user ids… “-1”

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One question does that mean you are changing it to 64-bit?

Either to be honest.

I’m assuming there would be a period of time where devs can manage their datastore and make sure that doesn’t happen. Also, how would some impersonate someone else?


I don’t see why, running out of User ID’s is not going to be an issue anytime soon.

Each bit you add to a number duplicates it’s maximum value:

  • A 32-bit integer goes from -2 147 483 648 to 2 147 483 647;
  • A 33-bit integer goes from -4 294 967 296 to 4 294 967 295;
  • A 34-bit integer goes from -8 589 934 592 to 8 589 934 591;
  • and so on. You get the idea.

You don’t need to even reach the full 64 bits to see how big these limits can be. Let’s take a 50-bit integer, for example. It can go until 562 949 953 421 311 - that’s enough for every human in the planet to own at least 60k accounts. This number of accounts is unreasonable to exist in the near future, let alone how many accounts a 64-bit (signed) integer can hold - 9 223 372 036 854 775 807.

If you go unsigned (positive only), double all the numbers I just presented here.

Even if you cleaned those accounts up, you couldn’t just reattribute them to other players for reasons that were discussed in this topic already. In sum, you’re trying to solve a problem that does not exist :slight_smile:


I’d imagine by taking over their UserId.

I’m confused what you’re asking. I think OP is saying that there’s going to be a chunk of user IDs below 2^31 that they’re simply not gonna give out to new accounts.

EDIT: nvm you clarified your question

pretty excited for myself and others who have small User IDs! can’t wait to see how big the number may get

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What I’m scared about is what about the new players!!! I have a game that will release Dec 8. I am just concerned that I can get the community that isn’t already on Roblox, on Roblox. I am also worried about if something goes wrong. I just hope everything goes well.

Question: will players not be able to create an account more than this one time?

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I like this update. The thing that surprises me is how far Roblox has come with over 2 billion accounts on the website.

What we know so far is that you won’t be able to create an account for about 10 minutes. And nothing should go wrong (hopefully). Lets just hope that the Roblox team has it under control.