[UserInputService] Device enum

Dear fellow developers / ROBLOX admins,

I want to propose the new Property of UserInputService ‘Device’. Basically a Enum that tells us on wich iOS/ Device we are on.

Enum :

  • Windows
  • Mac
  • iOS
  • Andriod

Why ?
There is a no good method to actually tell or we are on a Tablet or on a PC with a Touch screen for example

I’m pretty sure there’s a Platform property which returns this, but it might be locked to plugins/corescripts/similar.

Could that be changed?

This already exists, but it’s locked.


Enum Platform EnumItem Platform.Windows : 0 EnumItem Platform.OSX : 1 EnumItem Platform.IOS : 2 EnumItem Platform.Android : 3 EnumItem Platform.None : 4

I think Enum.Platform.None would be better named as Enum.Platform.Other >.<

It’d be really interesting to see someone without a platform playing ROBLOX.

[quote] I think Enum.Platform.None would be better named as Enum.Platform.Other >.<

It’d be really interesting to see someone without a platform playing ROBLOX. [/quote]
At that point theyre just in the game.

There’s no reason to know the platform. This has been outlined by stravant before.

Even if the user does have a touch-enabled PC, they won’t have the touch-based Roblox interface, because that’s only for ‘mobile’ clients. So how weird is it going to be, holding your laptop like a gorilla and using both the keyboard, mouse, and screen?

I believe that the ChatScriptCore checks if one of the axis of the client’s ViewSize (Don’t remember which one) is < 600 to determine if the user is on a mobile device or not.

[quote] I think Enum.Platform.None would be better named as Enum.Platform.Other >.<

It’d be really interesting to see someone without a platform playing ROBLOX. [/quote]

ROBLOX is only designed to run on those platforms, therefore I highly doubt that there is an “Other”, it’s probably only there just incase.

[quote] There’s no reason to know the platform. This has been outlined by stravant before.

Even if the user does have a touch-enabled PC, they won’t have the touch-based Roblox interface, because that’s only for ‘mobile’ clients. So how weird is it going to be, holding your laptop like a gorilla and using both the keyboard, mouse, and screen? [/quote]

Not true. Since you also have Tablets that are a combi. Like a Tablet with a Keyboard. I want to know the platform, so that I can still determine how much the User can handle. And I would like this to be unlocked for debugging purposes.