Using new & old materials at the same time


is there a way to use both 2022 and old materials? I hate the new grass which looks terrible from a distance also the game I am working on is way too big to switch to 2022 materials in one update.

Thanks for any help.


You can use the Material Manager for this task.

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What should I do in the material manager? I don’t see any option to enable both new and old.

I don’t think you can you can change it all, if you want the update reverted then you could do this

Go to the Material Service and disable this.

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Thanks, I know how to disable them, I just wanted to use the new planks, wood snow and sand textures in game while keeping the old grass and concrete.

I was thinking, could I download the new/old materials somewhere and upload them manually?

Yeah you can, but they don’t have the same effect. You can find all of the material decals stuff here, but in my experience porting the 2022 materials back, it was not the same.

For example, the Brick Material did not have the distinct area between each brick as a different color, everything was just shaded whatever color the part was.

You MAY have more luck porting the old materials to the 2022 materials, but here’s my model with the 2022 material variants.

Simply add it and throw it into the material service. All 2022 materials are called 22_MaterialName(i.e.22_Concrete)
Pretty sure this does also include the terrain materials.

To again reiterate though, this is not a 1:1 with the 2022 materials, but the average person PROBABLY wont notice especially if it’s used on smaller scale. If a majority of your game uses 2022 materials, just enable it entirely and try to port the old materials.

I asked Josh(one of the main people behind the material service), and he told me this is pretty much the best way and Roblox probably won’t backport the 2022 materials(vice versa).


“Page cannot be found or no longer exists” any new links that work?

I personally have 2022 materials enabled by default, and manually adding new MaterialVariant to MaterialService. Old Materials values from here (dont forget after going to link select Pre-2022 Base)

So, for example, old Cobblestone would look like this:

And to select for Part:

You can also simply get Old Materials Pack, but I don’t recommend it, because it have only color values and missing Metalness, Roughness e.t.c