Using ProfileStore to edit players data even if they're not in the same server or offline

I ran across a DataStore module called ProfileStore made by @loleris . its great and everything, but I’m just wondering if you’ll be able to edit their data even if they’re not on the same server or offline. It would be great if you could set a player’s data even if they’re away for instances like if they lost their saved data or if its exploited.

Also wondering if you can make global leaderboards for it

I worked with profile service a bit and from what I can tell no I don’t think that’s possible

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It’s possible with the data store editor plugin but you need to know the key and scope what I didn’t found out

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  1. No you cannot edit a player’s data when they are offline, although I have heard you can do it through a plugin. (not too sure on that) What I would recommend is updating the players data upon joining the game again.

  2. No you cannot make global leaderboards

Use MessageAsync()