V; | Code of Conduct

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Voyage; Code of Conduct

The following rules and regulations are to be applied to all work areas throughout your career at Voyage. Failure to abide by corporate standards will lead to consequences at the discretion of the Human Resources Department. Please uphold the regulations that apply to all employee menbers of Voyage’s establishment.


Depending on the severity of your non-compliance with the rules, the Human Resources Department will take one of the following actions below.

  • Reminder: A reminder that the user is not in compliance with the Code of Conduct. This will not impact your job role.
  • Suspension: Temporarily suspended from the staff team. You are not allowed to work during this time.
  • Demotion: Moved to your previous rank. You will be automatically removed from the team if you are the lowest-ranked on the team.
  • Termination: Removed from the staff team and demoted to customer. You will lose your previous position.

The strikes reset every 3 months, so after 3 months of punishment, you start with the first strike again.

Employee Code of Conduct

1. Professionalism is a priority at Voyage. All employees are to utilize grammar where necessary and avoid neglecting an informal demeanor.

  • Assistant ~ Employee Team is:

    • recommended to utilize grammar at all times.
  • Management Team is:

    • recommended to utilize grammar at the cafe.
    • recommended to utilize grammar in the communication server.
    • required to utilize grammar in training sessions.
  • Corporate Team is:

    • recommended to utilize grammar at the cafe.
    • recommended to utilize grammar in the communication server.
    • required to utilize grammar in training sessions.
    • required to utilize grammar when making announcements.
  • Failing to follow will result in:

    • Assistant ~ Employee Team: Reminder → Final Reminder → Demotion (Termination for Trainee) → Termination
    • Management Team: Reminder → Demotion → Termination
    • Corporate Team: Reminder → Termination

2. Behavior residing under the umbrella of abuse and discrimination towards a group of people, directly towards a colleague, or member of the community is not tolerated.

  • Failing to follow will result in:
    • Assistant ~ Employee Team: Suspension (1 - 14 days) → Demotion (Termination for Trainee) → Termination
    • Management Team: Suspension (3 - 30 days) → Termination
    • Corporate Team: Suspension (7 - 30 days) → Termination

3. Disrespecting or defaming the corporation through rule-bending and unprofessionalism within the premises of our partners and affiliates is prohibited.

  • Failing to follow will result in:
    • Assistant ~ Employee Team: Reminder → Demotion (Termination for Trainee) → Termination
    • Management Team: Suspension (1 - 30 days) → Demotion → Termination
    • Corporate Team: Demotion → Termination

4. Leaking or referring to sensitive or confidential material to those who should not have access to it is not tolerated.

  • Failing to follow will result in:
    • Assistant ~ Employee Team: Suspension (1 - 30 days) → Termination
    • Management Team: Suspension (3 - 30 days) → Termination
    • Corporate Team: Suspension (7 - 30 days) → Termination

5. Abuse of administrative powers within Voyage’s premises is deemed inappropriate. We advise staff to use their own discretion when executing commands and utilize powers only when required.

  • Failing to follow will result in:
    • Management Team: Suspension (1 - 30 days) and Demotion → Termination
    • Corporate Team: Suspension (3 - 30 days) and Demotion → Termination

6. Asking, hinting, or referring to receiving a promotion or higher power is strictly forbidden and will only lower your chances of progressing.

7. An appropriate uniform should be equipped throughout the entirety of your attendance at sessions. Furthermore, if required by the Public Relations Department, you are to replicate this dressing standard when visiting affiliated groups’ establishments and attending events.

8. Displaying or promoting sensitive material through your online presence; such as inappropriate, political, or harmful agendas through your physical appearance on social media platforms associated with Compose Coffee(Guilded), will not be tolerated.

  • Failing to follow will result in:
    • Assistant ~ Employee Team: Suspension (1 - 30 days) → Termination
    • Management Team: Suspension (3 - 30 days) → Termination
    • Corporate Team: Suspension (7 - 30 days) → Termination

9. All employee must be 13 years or older and have the safechat filter disabled in their Roblox settings. If Human Resources Department receives contradictory proof that you are under age, you will be terminated indefinitely.

10. Employees must have 2-step verification enabled on Roblox and Discord with a username resembling your Roblox username. If you are hacked or share your account details with anyone else, your job title will be removed.

11. Please inform the Human Resources Department of any changes to your Roblox username or contact details as soon as possible to ensure accuracy when logging your requirements. Furthermore, your Trello username must be changed to correlate with your altered Roblox username.

:date: Last Update: March 14th, 2025