V; | Public Handbook

Voyage; Public Handbook

:construction: This handbook is not completed; will be updated frequently.

Welcome! :palm_tree:

We are one of the most highly anticipated virtual café companies on Roblox, and we are dedicated to providing you with a diverse range of experiences. From our talented baristas serving you drinks to our executives working diligently to create a safe and comfortable environment, we invest significant effort into Voyage; every day. We are committed to making a positive impression on you!

This handbook contains all of the essential information that customers and employees have to know. So please read carefully and follow!

:link: Important Links

:pushpin: For Everyone

:pushpin: For Employees

:question: If you have any inquiries regarding anything on the handbook, don’t hesitate to ask one of our friendly employees!

:wave: We hope to see you at the cafe!

:page_with_curl: Written and Approved by Voyage; Leadership Team
:date: Last Update: March 14th, 2025