[v0.25] Color Palettes Plugin


thumbnail made in roblox with the plugin

Color Palettes is a Roblox Studio plugin made with React that helps you to select some cool and soft color presets for a better-looking user interface.

Currently, the plugin its at the price of 100 robux.


Usage examples
  • Get Hex & Rgb values selecting a color grid:


  • Applying colors

    1. Enable ‘Auto SetColor’:

    2. Select your elements:

    3. Select a color grid to apply changes:

  • Background brightness depending of the color selected brightness

    1. Dark color:

    2. Light color:

  • Applying changes to a element with ‘ColorSequence’

    1. Select the element:
    2. Click a color grid.
    3. See the changes:
      • Before:

      • After:

  • Applying changes to a element with ‘ColorSequence’ (with more than 2 keypoints)

    1. Select the element:

    2. Click a color grid.

    3. See the changes:

      • Before:
      • After
  • [Added on v0.25]: SortType
    Sorts all grids based of its brightness and sortType details here.

Default color palettes
  • Catppuccin: from Catppuccin, which comes with 4 packages:
    1. Latte
    2. Frappé
    3. Macchiato
    4. Mocha
  • About

    1. This is my first devforum post.
    2. This is my first time using React & making a plugin.
  • Planning

    1. To add more color palettes soon.
    2. Make a support for Parts, Unions, etc… (should i?)
    3. Make a support for Lights, Particle Emitters, beams & etc (should i?)
  • [Important] Notes for Auto SetColor:
    Some elements will change only a specific property, based on its ClassName, for example:
    1. For TextButtons, TextLabels, TextBoxes will change its [TextColor3]
    2. For Frames, ScrollingFrames, ViewportFrames, ImageLabels will change its [BackgroundColor3]

  • Notes for ColorSequence color apply:

    1. The plugin will ignore white keypoints ( with RGB(255, 255, 255) ).
    2. The plugin only will apply colors if all keypoints have the same color (except white colors RGB(255, 255, 255).
    3. If there is a single color in the ColorSequence, it will just apply the selected color.
  • Updates:

    1. A Gui for testing:
      TestingGui.rbxm (10.3 KB)


  • If you found a bug/error please tell me!
  • If you know any cool color palette, comment it!
  • If you have a good idea for it to be added, comment it!
  • I am open to answer any questions.

Update version v0.2

  • Bug fix:

    1. Fixed plugin not showing all grids (image below)
  • Added:

    1. Grids getting sorted from bright to dark:



I think the GUI looks clean and crisp! However, I have a question: why would I want to spend 200 Robux on a plug-in when I could find a color myself with a slider? Personally, I would only spend Robux on a plugin that revolutionizes and/ or changes the Roblox dev experience. I am not sure what the “sell” factor of your product is when this very thing can be achieved for free. If I am wrong, please explain why I should buy this.
I think the idea of a “color interface assistant” is unique, however, and I am interested to see what you do with it…


Hello!, i was waiting from a question like this, im planning to add more interesting features & color palettes based on communnity requests, the price its currently 200 robux at the time, but i will make it free and open source it after a time. The idea of this plugin is to have color templates that fits the type of user interface and not only creating random colors from each stuff, for example have a exact value for each ‘background’, ‘text’ or something, its better to have them have the same-similar value to make it look cleaner, also it helps you to create either a ‘light theme’ or ‘dark theme’. Well thats the point of a color palette.

  • What helps you in dev-experience?
  1. You can easily change the colors of each thing just by a click (Because of its ‘Auto SetColor’ feature), instead of searching, copying, pasting a color and doing the same thing each time. (saves time)

  2. In the features, currently it supports ColorSequences, so editing colors for gradients, etc will be more faster and easier, instead of clicking each kepoint, changing the value and pressing ‘okay’, with the plugin you can do:

    2.1. Get a hex or rgb value depending of the color you selected, so you copy and apply it.

    2.2. Just selecting the gradient enabling the ‘Auto SetColor’ and pressing the color template.

  3. Have a solid color theme for the user interface. Having a good color palette in your user interface can make good changes and make it look nice, for example, if you want to make a good ‘light theme’, ‘dark theme’, ‘colorful theme’ user interface, you would need to have a color palette, with this plugin, you can easily get a good value for the user interface type and applying it.

    At this time the plugin only has 1 color palette, which is: Catppuccin (github.com) , a example of a game using the catppuccin color palette is: Slither :snake: - Roblox. That is the result of a game made with React & designed with Catppuccin color palette.


Update version v0.25

  • Based on the last update, i just made the sort type a feature.



  • Lowered the price to 100 robux, due to its simplicity

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Interested in where this goes,

Good luck on your journey!


Doing a good rework for the plugin. Due to its simplicity, more features coming soon!

New UI (Beta)

Probably there will be a new name for the plugin: [old] Color Palettes v1.0.0[new] Color Manager v1.0.0

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Could you tell us why would we use this plugin instead of Colourify?