[V2] Moon2Cutscene | Play Moon Animator 2 Files

While, yes the other resources were made first, i’ve made this module with the intent for it to be easy to implement into your projects, and most importantly, free.

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added the setObject function. Check code examples and documentation for more information.

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fixed a bug with the camera while using a map.

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bug fix with easing where it’d use the next frame rather than last frame
bug fix with constant easing where it’d wouldn’t run the frame due to fps
added new moon2Cutscene.subtitle function, check documentation and code examples

oh my god it works


Version 2.0

completly rewrote the module
will write documentaion later

get here


important Rig lerping fix

the module now comes with a debug module used for creating parts with a cframe for debugging (you hopefully will never have to use it)

additional cutscene debbuging snippet:

--[[debug]] do


			local ui = Instance.new("ScreenGui")
			local textbox = Instance.new("TextBox")
				if tonumber(textbox.Text) then

				textbox.Text = workspace:GetAttribute("frame")

			textbox.BackgroundTransparency = .5
			textbox.Size = UDim2.fromScale(.5, .3)
			textbox.Parent = ui
			ui.ResetOnSpawn = false
			ui.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui

			if true then

Minor bug patch:
fixed the script not recognizing when to end a cutscene

added newCutscene:reset()

You can give demo rbxl file please?

If i find some time where i’m not too busy. Documentation is pretty straight forward though, try giving a read.

Does this module support animation events? If yes then how do i set them up? Do i just need to add it in moon animator or make specific things inside the module?

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As for now; you have got to do everything manually;
You can read the documentation, it shows you how to add a vignette, a fade and subtitles.
If you got any suggestions lmk!

I’m slightly confused, is this plugin meant to recreate a cutscene from a moon file? Including camera and effects?

As a programmer and animator, this would be very helpful in terms of being able to use the Particle emitter used on moon and transferring it over to a in-game visual effect very easily. So I can see it become very helpful in game development.


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This isn’t a plugin;
It does work for a camera track but other effects must be scripted manually (atleast for now)
I’ve also just added Emit support alongside sequences.

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are you still working on this? And does dialogue work?

Incase i get a feature request, yes
And if by dialogue you mean subtitles, then yes but, they must be manually coded. Check the documentation for more information.

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will do. Thanks for the quick reply and great system.

I do have one request for you. Is there anyway you could add like face movement. I have a rig currently that enables me to have mouth and eye like decal change. Is there anyway you could incorporate that within the uh cutscene?

If decal’s are what you are using you could simply change their transparency in the animation

I’m using this kit right now for face animations, but whenever exporting generally I cannot see it. Transparency has nothing to do with this since I have both Eyes and a mouth object.

Does it support particle emitters, beams, trails etc?