[v3!] TopbarPlus v3.0.0 | Construct intuitive topbar icons; customise them with themes, dropdowns, captions, labels and much more

Doesn’t work for me, and I don’t understand why? It closes, but the Icon button doesnt deselect.

Why are you adding a wait in there?

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How do I get the players humanoid from the script? Character:FindFirstChild(“Humanoid”) wont work, and Character:WaitForChild(“Humanoid”) wont work.

They both say “Attempt to index nil with waitforchild/findfirstchild

Maybe character is nil? Try debugging that first.

Tried already, nothing is seeming to work. I need to get the humanoid, and I need to get startercharacterscripts but it wont let me?

Show the code you’re using. No one can help you without it.

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I would like to put it into StarterCharacter, but in doing that, it creates a new one everytime on spawn. How can I make it create one, and thats it? It’s for my GUI, as it must be resetonspawn or it breaks

In shorter term, I want the :setimage, bindevent, etc. stuff to reset, but the actual icon.new to not reset. How can I do this?

Don’t set the gui to resetonspawn.

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I did another reply, you can find it here.

Cant, it must be on resetonspawn or the gui breaks as said above.

It doesn’t, you need to have ResetOnSpawn disabled or the icon will always be selected even when the GUI doesn’t show.

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The gui is a emote holder using datasaves. If it is not on ResetOnSpawn, the scripts break as it must check everytime the player spawns.

I want it like nicos nextbots backpack. when you die or reset, the script gets disabled and resets.

What if i want to change the size and position of topbar icons i make? How would i go and do that?

The only stuff that I have done is provided within my scripts, it performs the same way in a empty baseplate…

does anyone know how to disable the button you clicked on a dropdown right after you click it

Search for “Satchel” in the devforum, it supports TopbarPlus that is already integrated.

Here is the link to Satchel

but He wants to make his own system, not to use someone else’s

I am having trouble, How do I make the text to a different color? I wanted to make my FPS Counter’s text to become red when it reaches less than 30

here is the code:

local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")

local Icon = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.Icon)
local NumberSpinner = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.NumberSpinner)

local fps = 0

	fps += 1

local icon = Icon.new()
icon:setSize(75, 32)
	local spinner = NumberSpinner.new()
	spinner.Duration = 0.25
	spinner.Prefix = ""
	spinner.Suffix = " FPS"
	spinner.Decimals = 0
		while task.wait(1) do
			spinner.Value = fps
			fps = 0
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hey @ForeverHD, i’m having an issue when a player respawns/dies, all the selected icons don’t unselect upon respawning, how would i fix this? is it possible to fix this without listening to .died function and unselecting all icons?

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