Our gold plan is open-sourced to them only, make sure stay active with rblxclans when it comes out!
I Suggest using theses sources to learn:
Our gold plan is open-sourced to them only, make sure stay active with rblxclans when it comes out!
I Suggest using theses sources to learn:
Quick fix for all plans regarding Announcement, its now replaced with notification system and new notifications added.
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/710416515043688539/710483436380618802/image1.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/710416515043688539/710483435558404186/image0.png
(image pending approval by roblox)
Looks great! Will definitely be checking this out! Keep up the great work!
V4.0.7 Is out clans using V4.0.5 Clans will be temp down till the owner downloads v4.0.5
Noteable things to the update: Announcements fixed, Notifications spam fixed, New commands, Ui redeisgns, A HUD, Setup Command via command bar, chat tags, admin, and more
We’re no longer calling rblxClans Bot as a mod bot but a management bot as there moving thru moderation, game development, addons, management side of things.
Better Hud is on its way, No that much of a uk designer theses days
I shutted down dtr, Im paying 100 usd monthly for servers hosting and web hosting I cant do it no more as Im getting zero support:/
My new bot RoHelper does the same and more coming out soon!