Vanilla 3 - The pragmatic icon set for Roblox Studio

Go to the Finder, then Applications, Right Click on studio, then click “Show Package Contents”. Then from there, go to Contents > Resources > content > Textures > and replace your class icons from there.


It seems like Roblox is finally taking a change with the ClassIcons. They released this survey a while ago:

Vanilla v2.1 is out!
Customise your icon set →


  • (unused 3) and ValueBase now use an outline style
  • Decal now has a smaller sun for better balance
  • NetworkClient now uses a laptop icon for better differentiation from NetworkServer
  • ScreenGui now has a title bar size consistent with the size of the bottom edge of Frame
  • ServerScriptService now has 2px top and bottom overhangs to match the metrics of related script icons
  • LocalizationService recoloured to green and flipped for better alignment with the set
  • LocalizationTable completely redesigned with a new metaphor to better represent switching between language sets
  • PackageLink completely redesigned with a new metaphor to better represent a package
  • Actor completely redesigned with a new metaphor to better represent parallel script execution
  • (unused 117), (unused 118) and (unused 119) recoloured and badges added for better alignment with the set
  • WrapLayer and WrapLayer (alt) completely redesigned to better represent a surface in the process of being wrapped
  • WrapTarget and WrapTarget (alt) completely redesigned to better represent a surface with a wrap around it
  • Reversed the positions of MaterialVariant and MaterialsService for proper rendering
  • LinearVelocity completely redesigned with a metaphor to highlight the velocity being changed by the constraint
  • PlaneConstraint introduced to the set

Nice, gonna try this

And the icons are neat


That’s what Roblox Studio Manager by @Maximum_ADHD is here for.

Or instead go to the Roblox file and edit the textures

Read his reply. He didn’t want them to revert to the normal ones every Roblox Studio update.

There should be a video/gif tutorial on using it with mod manager, could never for the life of me figure out how to get it to work with the manager.

It’s not that hard. Just download the .exe file and run it. This should pop up.image
Just press “Launch Studio” to start studio.

If you wanna edit the icons, follow these steps: (taken from vanilla website)

  • Open Roblox Studio Mod Manager (or download it here)
  • Click ‘Edit Class Icons’ to open the class icon editor
  • Click ‘Open Class Icon Folder’
  • Drop in all the icons from the ‘ModManagerIcons’ folder that came with your download.
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Is there a way to get the new ribbon icons? I installed Vanilla using @Maximum_ADHD’s mod manager and I don’t have them. But here they’re featured.

There currently isn’t a way to change the ribbon icons.

Why it looks like MS Word, but better?

This set looks awesome just from the pictures, can’t wait to try it myself! Keep up the awesome work!


I’ve found a way to completely edit the studio theme.

Maybe I can convince @Maximum_ADHD to add it to the mod manager, that way we can edit the ribbon bar icons as well.


How? quite interesting to start modding Roblox studio with modern design and UI


I’d be interested to know how you achieved this!

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Please tell!
All of the changed icons were about ~45 mins of effort in Photoshop changing colors, getting images, finding files, etc.

Any ribbon bar icons I couldn’t find the location for I didn’t change, It would be nice to know where they are located, and change the script icon in the task view (mini ribbon bar)

Also, this.

(explorer.png is misleading :/)

Here ya go!


me omw to make an entire pdf on how to modify everything in QResources on Studio.



let me know if you finish it, cant wait to reimagine studio with better icon

I wanted to know of a way for the icons, I couldnt’ find a way to change them.