Various improvements and unlocking FirstPersonTransition event

I found this event on the wiki and do not see any reason why it needs to be locked. Reason I would like it:

In the current game I am making, I want the user to either play in a first person view or a limited third person view. The third person view is esay to accomplish now with the Max and Min ZoomCameraExtent properties of Player. However, I have a first person view model which looks bad in third person. I would, therefore, like to set it to transparent when I leave first person. This event would make that very easy.

Another alternative to this is adding a property called ‘ZoomExtent’ to the Player object. This would just allow us to check the current zoom of the camera. I assume this would be very easy to do since you evidently have this field behind the scenes already.

While we are on the subject, I also found that the organization of some of the recently added properties is a little odd. The CameraOffset property is a member of the Humanoid object, while the Max and Min ZoomCameraExtent properties are of the player. Wouldn’t it make more sense to have them all in the Player. Also, the new NameDisplayDistance and HealthDispayDistance are members of the Player object, even though they pertain to the Humanoid object. I would love to edit these properties for non-player humanoids as well, but cannot because they are attached to the Player object.


  • Unlock FirstPersonTransition event of Camera object.
  • Add ZoomExtent property to Player
  • Move CameraOffset property to Player
  • Move NameDisplayDistance property to Humanoid
  • Move HealthDisplayDistance property to Humanoid


Agreed. In addition:

Unlock whatever that property is that tells us if someone is using mouselock
Allow us to prevent usage of mouselock
Unlock the math.huge properties/events that shouldn’t be locked in the first place


Unlock the math.huge properties/events that shouldn’t be locked in the first place [/quote]

What do you mean by these?

Unlock the math.huge properties/events that shouldn’t be locked in the first place [/quote]

What do you mean by these?[/quote]

I don’t mean any properties/events OF math.huge (it’s a property itself, so it can’t have any properties/events) – I meant the plethora of properties/events that shouldn’t be locked in the first place. FirstPersonTransition and the mouselock property are just two of many. GuiService has a bunch of locked properties for instance.