As a Roblox developer, it is currently annoying (and slow) to slerp vectors
Right now we have to write our own utility functions to do slerp and I think it discourages its use
So far I’ve only used slerp 3 times in my game, but I think I would have found a lot more use cases for it had I an open mind about slerp (2 of these 3 times have been today when I was working on my hover car)
I know we can implement it with axis angles/pythag(?) but I’ve had it implemented and haven’t used it much
Also I think if Roblox made Vector3:slerp() it would be a lot faster than these implementations:
local axisangle=CFrame.fromAxisAngle
local asin=math.asin
function md.slerp(v0,v1,t0)
local unit
if t0==0 then unit=v0.unit
elseif t0==1 then unit=v1.unit
elseif v0.unit==v1.unit then unit=v0.unit
local cross=v0.unit:Cross(v1.unit)
local t1=asin(cross.magnitude)*t0
assert(unit.X==unit.X,'vecs are opposite')
return unit--*(v0.magnitude*(1-t0)+v1.magnitude*t0)--uncomment to lerp magnitudes
local acos=math.acos
local cos=math.cos
local sin=math.sin
local sqrt=math.sqrt
function md.slerp(q0,q1,t)--too lazy to rewrite so just took quaternion one; use slerp for directions and lerp for points
q0=q0.unit q1=q1.unit--only unit quaternions are valid Rotations; normalize to avoid undefined behavior
local xx=q0.x
local xy=q0.y
local xz=q0.z
local px=q1.x
local py=q1.y
local pz=q1.z
local dot=xx*px+xy*py+xz*pz
if dot>1-1e-4 then
local t0=1-t
return new(xx*t0+px*t,xy*t0+py*t,xz*t0+pz*t)
local yx=px-dot*xx
local yy=py-dot*xy
local yz=pz-dot*xz
local a=acos(dot)*t
local c=cos(a)
local s=sin(a)/sqrt(yx*yx+yy*yy+yz*yz)
return new(xx*c+yx*s,xy*c+yy*s,xz*c+yz*s)