Vehicle seat camera bug

Hello everyone, I didn’t really know which category choose for this problem but here’s an issue I found :
Basically, when I get in a vehicle seat, i can’t turn my camera anymore when right clicking and moving my mouse. The camera slightly moves and then flickers back to the center, which does that it is impossible to look either on the sides or behind when driving and it’s extremely annoying (I don’t have any camera scripts in the seat).

So basically I’d like to know if this is really due to an update of Roblox itself that changed the way cameras work or if is due to a bug on my place.


This isn’t an issue with Studio or even the game. A new Roblox update immersed which limits the seat view. I’m not sure what engineers were considering that would affect, but all you must know is that it is a Roblox engine update.


Alright, thank you for the answer

Take a look at this post for more information:

Roblox staff have commented saying they are looking into the issue and will have a fix soon.

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May I ask something? Well here’s the question.

Should the camera spring back to the original position like milliseconds after moving the camera and also glitching it out? Well In my car game the Vehicle seat will not let me look around the car at all… it seems to be something new.

Any reasons why?

I think it was @TheGamer101 who said it but they have fixed the bug for most clients. I think your issue is that your game has it manually set to not be able to move the camera, or you are in shift lock. I haven’t experienced your issue yet so I’m not fully sure.

It seems to only do it in Studio, in the public game it just goes back to normal. So I am guessing its a Roblox Studio bug or something. And you may be true with the shift lock but it makes no sense why that would do any thing because I do have it enabled but not using it. I was using it in the public game and that does not seem to do anything.

Thanks for the answer!

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That’s probably a client script issue then. Have a talk with an engineer on the Forum about it.