I’ve recently turned a script in my game from a regular script to a local script because some features were just better to do on the client side. What I noticed was that the velocity I set in the script wasn’t working in the local script. While the regular script would make the object I wanted to work on fling away, the local script did not do anything and the object stayed in the same place.
Heres the script:
local position = game.Workspace.KingBunny.Position
My friend just tried the same game I’m working on and said it worked for him and we are on the same version. I’ll try restarting my computer and tell you how it goes.
If you’re doing this from a LocalScript, I believe you need to make sure that the LocalScript that is calling this physically owns the KingBunny part. This can be done server-side with the SetNetworkOwner method.
My second best bet is you’ll need to fire an event and when the event i received in a local script, do those things. I do think that there is a better solution.
You cannot modify the physics based properties of a part and expect it to replicate/work if you do not have ownership of the part in reference. You have to read up on NetworkOwnership and set it up to the player wanting to apply the velocity before actually applying it. This only applies for local scripts.
Network owner of a part can only be set on the server.
-- Player to change ownership to
local Player