Version History Tags

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to discern differences between previous versions of our place files.

Version control is an incredibly important tool in software development. No self-respecting developer would be caught without it. It’s the tool that saves us when mistakes inevitably happen. That being said, Roblox’s current version control is pretty lackluster. At the moment, the Version History page seen under the Configure Place dropdown looks like this:

All it shows is a number and a date. When making multiple updates in a small time frame (even as long as a day) it is very difficult to figure out which version is tied to which updates.

Ideally, one would want as fully fleshed out a version control software as already established tools such as svn or git, with equally useful web-facing displays (github, gitlab), but I believe a good first step would be to allow and enforce “commit messages” (tags) when publishing a place file. This would allow developers to tag each version with a small message in order to easily manage different versions.


Linking some discussion from another thread: