Vertex Normals are being edited when putting layered clothing on

What happens is that it changes the vertex normals despite the vertices are not directly connected.

Reproduction is just get any avatar that has vertex normals set in blender to be unique, this means no shade auto smooth or shade smooth, or shade flat. A easy way of doing this is by using BNPR Abnormal plugin on blender and using the spherize function, then import that into roblox studio and try putting any layered clothing on it. The avatar must have a cage for this to affect it.
The bug is reproduced 100% of the time.

Expected behavior

I expect that my vertex normals that I set in blender wouldn’t be changed so that way I can have a anime style type shading.

A private message is associated with this bug report

Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.