Very weird account deletion

Either a corrupt moderator or Roblox being Roblox.


Sucks that this happened he would have prob been able to make some irl money by now.

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One more thing this is def why you should always use alts for ur dev account since if it was true that he was being rude in dev hangout and this was his main account also this could have been avoided. I mean he shoudn’t have been rude in the first place.

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For real. His breakfast game gets over 100 active players, but he can no longer profit from it.

Alt accounts doesn’t mean your main account will safe, as enforcement bans do exist and they’re terminating tens of people every day.

You should still be very cautious while breaking the rules on alt accounts. It may lead to a termination to your main account.

This isn’t confirmed. It’s a possibility. Nobody knows for sure why he was banned.

Another possibility is that he made or was making something in studio that was considered Child Endangerment (Using an asset, image, audio, etc).


Very sad indeed, but I hope he has a better time on other platforms, and doesn’t encourage anybody to join Roblox.


yall i think he might be cooked

ok nah but fr js wait for a response, bc in this situation its either a roblox issue, or smth you did. Assuming you didn’t do anything, its a false/accidental deletion (dont ask me how they accidentally delete ur acc :sob:)

you also could’ve maybe been mass reported for something? chances of that leading to a deletion are slim but not 0

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i used to see this guys in developer hangout, and i dont think he was ever rude to anyone, and even if that was true, i dont think it justifies an account deletion ngl

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talked to him about it and yeah he was making a lot of robux and using DevEx

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They only say this so that kids don’t keep on spamming their emails for two years straight with pls unban me i didnt do anythng plsssssssssss messages.

In fact, appeals sent even after 30 days are eligible for review, and many people on Reddit got their accounts after months and months of being terminated

Made a thread talking about this situation here if you’d like more insight, maybe the Roblox team will eventually see it and think of fixing their stuff

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Hopefully he can be successful outside of Roblox it sucks that this happened

oh thanks, i was worried about my account being permanently gone in 4 days. i got backdoored from a free model i inserted 3 years ago and roblox doesn’t trust me no matter what.

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That’s very sad because you had 1k players, but i’m surprised the game has stayed up.

It could be the coincidence of multiple people spam reporting your account to get you falsely banned. But I doubt that unless you have personal roblox beef with a group of people.

I think you got lucky that your game stayed up despite your account being terminated, in the future I recommend editing on studio in an alt to be safe and publish your games on a group to lower the severity of moderation.

Also, try to use the toolbox the least that you can. But, if you are going to use a free model. Ensure you check all the descendants and open the free model in a default baseplate that isn’t published.