Video uploads [Beta]: Add short-form video to your experience

These videos can seamlessly integrate into your overall user experience, serving multiple purposes.

I agree; implementing a cost for video uploads encourages more thoughtful content selection, preventing the upload of multiple iterations of the same video until satisfaction is reached, thereby reducing storage issues associated with unused media.

Why so much robux? This robux requirement will turn off so many small developers since they most likely canā€™t afford that absurd price for a single video! Iā€™d be better off uploading a video frame by frame than to pay this.

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Easy does it.


So youā€™re telling me if I spent $20 dollars to upload a video and it gets declined, I donā€™t get my Robux back? Guess Iā€™m keeping my money then.

Lets go canā€™t wait to use this!

Nvmā€¦ but fr tho why ID verified? most places only give you an ID if you get a driverā€™s license also the majority of people donā€™t have passports so tons of 13+ users will be left out. Will the ID system change in the future to allow school IDā€™s or something like that?

why not make it cost 2k robux for 30 seconds? I mean itā€™s not a bad price but if you were uploading a 5 second video its just not worth it.

so, if thereā€™s a case of a video being falsely rejected and the appeals team not doing their job (happens alot) does that mean the person is screwed?

Thats actually more than I was expecting so good job :+1:

BOOOOO!! :tomato::tomato::tomato:

Overall, this is a good change, VideoFrames were kinda useless and I hated converting my videos into a spreadsheet then making them play frame by frame. so, a win is a win ĀÆ_(惄)_/ĀÆ

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I donā€™t have as much beef with video privacy as audio privacy since videos were never able to be made public in the past because they didnā€™t exist until now, and although it would be nice eventually, honestly it would seem much more risky to allow public videos anytime soon as opposed to public audio.
(Theyā€™ve been saying as of recently itā€™s taking time but when they paused it they initially covered up the reason like chickens as if it was all our fault instead of them failing to take action against a few bad actors. I think Iā€™m gonna say it again, they owe us an apology when itā€™s all over.)

Every person who has uploaded a video so far (and everyone who does in the future) will rest easy knowing that it is by default protected from use without the uploaderā€™s knowledge.

Disclaimer: I have no plans to get verified anytime soon


WHOOOOO HOOO! What Iā€™ve been waiting for!


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Requiring ID, aswell as 2k robux per video pretty much killed any chance of this being useful.


Is there any reason why when I play a video I uploaded I only hear the sound? Whereā€™s the important part?

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You specifically say we must be ID-verified yet Iā€™m able to upload a video without being ID-verified. Iā€™m assuming our phone number and/or our ID must be verified?


Upload is gonna fail. Thereā€™s replies like yours up in the topic

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I think making stuff expensive for the sake of NSFW or any bad things might mean, thereā€™s just maybe a red flag of the moderation itself.

I hope Roblox keeps their promise on better moderation.



Please Roblox, change the pricing per video and potentially increase the 30 second limit.
A video for 5 seconds should at least be more cheaper than a 30 second video.


Bro, Roblox is a billionaire company with their money tactics - what makes you think they deserve the money.

No one is paying 100 bucks for frames of a video, I could just do that with images if I had the effort to.


Yes, adding 30 seconds video to your experience can enhance your game performance but 2000 robux for just 30 seconds ? Nope. When a game is made, lots of robux and money is invested and sometimes when developers donā€™t have enough robux to pay the other devs, they do percentage and on top of that, 2000 robux separately for a video cutscene is totally not worth it. Though it depends on what kind of game is being made.

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At the moment, it appears that 30 seconds suffices for Robloxā€™s purposes. The time limit likely helps Roblox maintain consistent file sizes for each video, enabling them to estimate storage requirements accurately, improve their content moderation systems for video uploads, and/or deter potential abusers from uploading irrelevant or low-quality videos.

But I understand that in some games, longer durations are desirable, particularly for games with intricate storylines. Iā€™m curious if there is a capability to seamlessly play multiple videos in succession, providing an uninterrupted experience similar to a continuous, immersive cutscene.


Seriously though, why is it that it costs 2000 for it to be ingame for 400 to be on the site (trailer)?

Are they going to increase the trailer price??? I hope not.

2000 robux for a 30 second video?

No, thank you.

I hope thereā€™s a good reason you guys charge 2000 robux for a 30 second video, such as a networking limitation, or a technical limitation in general.

If we are already paying 2000 robux, you may as well allow us to upload more than just 3 videos per 30 days, itā€™s extremely underwhelming.

I enjoy the functionality of videos (I really do), however the restrictions and the price as well as the max allowed quantity of said thing are just disappointing, and as I said, underwhelming.

I hope to see an increased amount of monthly video uploads allowed, longer videos (30 seconds is not enough in cases such as a TV show, or an animated PC), and a reduced price, because you have to consider not everyone has the funds to pay 2000 robux.


For the trailer, I believe itā€™s 500 robux [ it shows in mine ]. And I donā€™t think they would increase the trailer price.