Video uploads [Beta]: Add short-form video to your experience

I’m glad videos are being focused on again. It’s a great concept, and I know there will be alot to see on the platform!

However, there’s one aspect of this in which I often find myself questioning - the fee associated with uploading videos.

The current fee (on the date this was posted) stands at 2000 robux, which, in my opinion, is not exactly beginner-friendly. For those who are new to the platform and wish to experiment with this system, this fee can pose a significant barrier. It could potentially discourage newcomers from fully exploring and utilizing video uploading.

Therefore, reevaluating the video uploading fee could be beneficial to make it more accommodating for beginners and ensure fair and easy accessibility for this. :slight_smile:


WHAT?! 2,000 ROBUX?! I don’t care if I have more than that! I am NOT spending that much on a video that isn’t even a minute long! If anything, I think they meant to say 2 HUNDRED ROBUX, not 2 THOUSAND. Like, do you even UNDERSTAND how INCONVENIENT this is for developers who don’t have that much ROBUX?


what the hell are you smoking for it to be 2000 robux. that’s literally 20 bucks lolll


Do the videos support transparency?

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the new era of roblox movies

back in my day we would have edited roblox studio screenshots as slideshow decals

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FOR REAL DUDE, 90% of the ppl ain’t gonna spend that much on a 30 seconds video


Fr actuslly I NEED videos. But obviously my account got legit a dollar worth of robux so cant :frowning:


I think 100K isn’t enough, I think Roblox should require developers to take at out Morgage at 75% APR for 1M Robux at 80K Robux over the course of 12 months, and take 95% of the game’s net revenue before the DevEx tax.


Let me save you a buck or two

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And now the chaos starts.

Glad that we can upload up to 120fps videos :eyes: , was concerned it was going to be limited to something like 30fps.

2k for video upload is insane.
500 robux would make sense but 2k? a bit too much for my taste.


ViewportFrames can only go up to a texture of 1024x1024 per frame - these videos would be much larger. AFAIK, Roblox’s rendering pipeline could have needed a lot of work to make this possible (hence the “up to 2 at once” limitation). Even the new DynamicImages are still using 1024x1024 canvases internally.

Make sure to invest in a fine AI to detect inappropriate videos in the future. This way, it can be adjusted to become cheaper and more accessible. Overall, the requirements to upload a video are fairly restrictive for now—which is good. So, good job on releasing this feature this year!

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ok esta buenisimo! el precio es comprensible por que guardar videos dentro de la plataforma no debe ser super Barato, y es evidente que es una manera de costear este servicio.

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2000 for a 30 second video is very overpriced.


2000 robux is fine, however I want to know how they get taken.

From what I know, things like UGC you’d need to pay 750 robux for and if it fails the upload or gets moderated, the robux won’t come back.

So is it likewise with the videos? What if it gets falsely moderated like images do many times?


To many developers who use the developer exchange rate, it’s more like $7, which is still a lot, but it’s not terrible.
Though I have to say for people who don’t make Robux and don’t count it in DevEx Rates it’s definitely not fair and not friendly to new-comers.
They definitely did this to keep it away from people who will upload stuff without thinking too much / only for people who seriously have the Robux for it.

I don’t think AI is gonna be enough…. I personally think that REAL HUMANS should analyze the video (not just skimming since it can only be a max of 30 seconds) and confirm that it is appropriate.

AI would not be able to catch things that Real Intelligence would


in terms of buying robux, it’s $20 :man_shrugging:
most would have to buy it as they probably don’t have a good source of robux from selling products or making games

Well, yeah, I addressed that and said it was unfair. Look at the Experience Transfer to Group price, isn’t it like R$30,000? Developers who will make actual use of these things have the Robux to throw around.