Video uploads [Beta]: Add short-form video to your experience

If we extrapolate the price to per hour it would be $840 devex rate dollars per hour- how can you justify that price when you are outsourcing moderation to places like India for a fraction of the price and video storage per hour of content is nowhere near this price.

tbf tho, they said theyā€™d actually lower that at a later date

they havenā€™t said anything about lowering the 2,000 :skull:

Where did ā€œper hourā€ come from? $840? Iā€™m confused how you got this number.

Got a point there. This should be reduced over time once they have it together and out of beta just like the transfer thing.

2,000 robux gets you 30 seconds worth of video. 2,000 robux converts to 7 dollars at current devex rate. 7 * 2 = $14 dollars per minute. 14 * 60 minutes = $840 dollars per hour of video.

To be clear, Iā€™m not saying you can upload an hourā€™s worth of video- Iā€™m just calculating this stat to show how expensive this system is.

Annoying that itā€™s only 20 seconds at the moment as I have a great idea with the feature but it requires longer then 20 seconds but itā€™s a great start. I have been waiting soo long for this.

Ah I see. Thatā€™s actually a good point, though I canā€™t see anyone wanting to upload more than an hour let alone thirty minutes. I doubt itā€™ll ever be longer than ten minutes as it likely has a large load.
This price has to be temporary, seeing that makes it feel a lot worse now.

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not even 500 robux bro, leave it for free.


Any chance for decals of this size as well?

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I like this new feature but I wont spend 2k robux because I want to upload an animation I made myself for my game


Wait why the fee is 2k when you need to be id verified if you want to make it id verified then remove the fee, ALSO as said in the post videos are private like audios so there is literally no reason to roblox care too much about safety and putting it behind a paywall.

Took 3 years to release video feature, I dont want to be mean with roblox engineers but this is way too much time for a single feature.

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Good idea, poor execution,

Like 2000 an upload?! and we canā€™t even upload more then 3 a MONTH?!

Those are some horrendous rates and I hope they change in the future. (I doubt it costs Roblox 20 USD to host a single 30 second video on there platform)

And why release new features without upgrading old ones,
People have been begging for higher resolution for decals and textures, for particle effects and overall texture quality.

And yet you give that new resolution to videos, and not to standard textures.


Everything was great until you hear about the 2k robux :rofl:, very nice feature tho


Still doesnā€™t cost them 20 USD equivalent of robux to host a 30 second video.

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4k Video wonā€™t be 4k for people who canā€™t run or have 4k monitors so :person_shrugging:


Hi @phri

Do these videos support audio or do we have the upload the audio separately? If audio is supported to video frames, will we be able to have effects to the audio?

Will it ever become similar to how sounds are uploaded? Like free, an increased limit, longer videos, etc.

There should also be some sort of IsInView property on video frames so developers can make it so videos would pause when not viewed and so other videos can run if itā€™s in view.

Will there a be setting in Roblox settings or for developers to customise the quality of the video? Like YouTube where you can pick 240p, 720p, 1080p, automatic, lowest, etc.

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BROTHER ARE YOU GOOD? They really donā€™t deserve it lololol

this feels like the early days of audio when we could only have really short sounds and it was a flat fee regardless of the length of the audio

this feature is awesome, already have two videos uploaded
but MAN 30 seconds, 3 uploads a month sucks
I hope this gets increased later
I get they want a seamless slow roll out, just incase, but ugh


To anyone upset about the price and cooldown, itā€™s temporary and necessary.

It took several years to release beta on this. They arenā€™t just going to let the public (keep in mind anyone can be a ā€œdeveloperā€) start putting videos into games on their platform that children can watch without significant hurdles on the ā€œdeveloperā€™sā€ part.

To say that this discourages developers from creating is nonsense. Look at how many amazing games there are right now without videos. I personally think that videos should only be taken advantage of by the highest quality games to enhance the player experience- for now. Eventually it would be neat to see what sort of creative things people come up with when videos are much easier to upload, although this might never become a possibility if itā€™s simply too expensive to moderate and host all of them.

TLDR: Video uploading is an extremely ballsy move for roblox just to slightly improve player experience for some serious games. They need good safety precautions to prevent catastrophes.


Not very practical if you want to have a secure and filtered video system.