View entire game history

As you might guessed by the title, I’d like to see my entire game history on roblox but don’t know how. You can maximum see the last 50 games you played…so any soulutions? I just want to find one cool vibe game I used to play and it’s kinda sad I can’t now :confused: Edit: I found the game, turns out it got heavily updated to a level I couldn’t recognise it.


Theoretically you could look through your search history and filter just the roblox website but that would take ages. I don’t think there’s any other way you can find games you played which kinda sucks but it would be unreasonable to save more than 50 games when most users won’t be using the feature to its fullest extent most of the time


how do you filter just the roblox website though?

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I don’t know what browser you’re using but in brave you can do ctrl+f then put in there. It probably works with other browsers but I don’t know


ty, do you also know how to search for a specific date in the search history?

I think the only way you can do that is with an extension. I found this but I haven’t tested it and don’t know if it’s fully safe to use

I just scrolled all the way down through my history and turns out it only goes past 1 year and I played this game like 1.5 years ago ._.

That’s what favorites are for.

If Roblox held my entire game played history that’d be 11 years of data.
Unless they could give us the option of keeping our played history on our own PCs I doubt they’re ever going to keep that much info stored.

I understand but I forgot to favourite the game and idk what to do lol

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I guess you could just look up vibe in games and if it still has players it should come up?

Or ask if anyone remembers a vibe game with… and list as many precise details about the actual game that you can remember.
It wouldn’t be a topic for this platform usage support forum, but it might not hurt to post it in this post.

Hmm, is there a way to find a game through it’s description?

Searching a game should use it’s description as well.
Try it and see.

tried it, doesnt rlly work. I found a game I was playing at that time period too, but no the one I want =(

It might even be that the owner or Roblox removed the game.

that would be pretty sad, I don’t see why anyone would remove the game though. I mean it’s kid friendly and relaxing.

According to the GDPR license, you can request to view your data that Roblox stores about you. Try contacting Roblox support.

when I click type of help category, do I have to select data privacy requests or technical support?

It’s obvious that you should select data privacy requests. If further support options concerning data requests are not on the list, you will need to email support.

lol ok, also under that you also have to select an option and I have a stupid struggle again. Should I select right off access or digital cookies and other trackers? Or even another privacy request?