I’ve done some neat stuff with this already and oh man it feels so good to know it’s available now without changing fflags
Ooh, yes! Thank you for this feature as it has been suggested many times. Much love to you all! <3
I made a square ViewportFrame, put some objects in it, and then made it into a 16:9 format. All of the objects look stretched now. Guessing thats a known bug. Other than that, this is AWESOME!
Love it! How well is the performance on mobile?
From what I’ve observed, the size of the ViewportFrame’s Camera viewport is capped to 1024x1024. If it goes above this value on either axis, the view will be stretched.
I think this size limit would work better if it maintained the aspect ratio.
For example, if the ViewportFrame’s size is 1920x1080, it should instead downscale itself to 1024x576. That would allow it to maintain the aspect ratio without lowering the framerate.
Of course, in an ideal world this size limit wouldn’t be necessary in the first place.
It’s similar to an ImageLabel if it’s static. Updating ViewportFrame is more expensive and requires switching render targets.
Yay I love this
I would also just like to pay respects to @Maximum_ADHD’s Module3D which still very much impresses me
Can’t wait for it to work ingame instead of just studio!
I have an unreleaseed version that uses ViewportFrames. I will create a post about it today.
Anyone else in for reduxing camera systems? Being able to sit in a chair and watch things happen from a computer screen. Even, “live television” sets.
I know I’m going to abuse this feature and use it everywhere…
Can we get a property like ImageLabel’s ImageColor3? Or perhaps instead of parenting models to ViewportFrame we can set an object whose descendants shall be rendered?
We’ve seen demos of this feature working on SurfaceGUIs. Why the regression?
This is the first thing I see on a Friday after coming home from school. This is amazing and can’t wait for this to be used in-game and not just Studio.
This is cool! I tried it out on Solaris: x.com
I did notice that the anti-aliasing is causing a noticeable outline around the items, though. I assume this’ll be fixed?
Rotating the objects(that are rotated) inside the frame act weird… Notice how the part rises up and down a bit due to perspective. Don’t have any quick ideas on how to sort this.
Can’t wait to be able to use it for my games, this opens up a lot of cool possibilities!
This will make for some easy to make inventory screens, especially when you have custom items.
This should still work on SurfaceGuis if the SurfaceGui isn’t in workspace (and uses Adornee). The semantics of parts-inside-surfacegui-inside-workspace where parts are kinda in workspace but kinda aren’t were very unclear so for now we disabled rendering of viewportframe if it’s in workspace.
You can set the backgroundcolor of the viewport frame to the same color as whatever you’re placing it on to fix that.