Voice chat bubble interfering with buttons above it

Reproduction Steps
If a button is overlaying on top of the voice chat bubble above the characters head, the button will not fire if your mouse is inside the bubbles space on the screen and instead it will toggle the voice chat.

Expected Behavior
I expect my button to fire when i click on it, not just toggle voice chat

Actual Behavior
The voice chat bubble toggles on and off instead of my gui buttons

Issue Area: Engine
Issue Type: Display
Impact: Moderate
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2022-03-21 00:03:00 (-02:30)
Date Last Experienced: 2022-03-21 00:03:00 (-02:30)


Thanks for the report! We are looking into this.

1 Like

Any updates on this? I am still experiencing this issue. It’s been like this since the release of Voice Chat.

While I’m navigating a game’s UI I find that the voice chat bubble is enabled and my mic is enabled. This is a rather concerning user privacy issue.

I ended up having to put my input device setting to something that will not pick up my mic


Hi, can you see if you could reproduce this issue?