Will voice chat be available for 13+ users only in the US or will be released for other countries too? and when will it start rolling out?
what about outside of the US? i also wanna get it
You can still have access to enable Voice Chat from other countries
Why is Chat with Voice being officially released as a feature without its corresponding developer APIs?
I’d dare to say that it can’t even be considered a finished feature yet without giving developers the ability to manipulate it.
It goes without saying and many people have voiced the same concern as me, it is pivotal that developers get moderation controls over voice chat users.
I dont want a person breathing down their mic, anoying other players, someone who hasn’t balanced it correctly or most importantly, someone hurling slurs down their microphone with no developer say on the matter, and I know many people wouldn’t either.
Please give us the ability to at least force mute players, the fact we need hacky modules to implement basic functionality that other chat programs have built into their moderation tools is not ok.
I personally don’t believe Spatial Voice is ready to be released out to the public yet, along with the huge, tons, dozens, loads, frequent amount of Engine Reports due to this case
Releasing an update like this that still suffers from the frequent amount of bugs that have not been resolved yet, makes me worried about how much more Voice Chat can endure once it gets released to the public live
Not to mention that Age Verification is still buggy & denies your application if you change your Age, which prevents Members having access to this feature to begin in the first place as well
We, as a Developer Community desperately need transparency. Planning to release it to the public (Even with all the known issues about it) feels like it’s basically been topped with a Band-Aid, and it doesn’t feel right unless the major issues have been addressed
So does this mean only people from the US can have this feature?
No. You can actually get them from other countries! While reading the Roblox employee’s message, the context says that the feature “Spatial Voice” (i.e. Chat with Voice/Voice Chat) will be available for all users located in the United States of America that have their Roblox account age 13+ (13 and above). In regards to being eligible, I believe it meant being authorised while having the account verified in both age, e-mail, and phone security…
The full rollout to all eligible 13+ Users at the moment will only apply to users within the United States. This is likely just part of the rollout stage of the release and will eventually be released to all countries within the near future. But as for now, users in other countries will have to verify their age using a government ID. Using a VPN to set your location to the United States could potentially work as well maybe.
Would be quite intriguing to see how this plays out. Most people under 13 that have their account age set to 13+ would be a problem, unless there’s some sort of mute/block system in place.
Do you guys think they should make it that people that are a member of devfourms get Voice Chat?
Yes. I think that dev fourm members should be rolled out into most to all beta features
Hey! I’ve verified my age on ROBLOX and yet the “Beta Features” tab seems to disappear for me. Is this a bug? Have I done something wrong?

I would contact roblox support
I’ve contacted ROBLOX support and this is what I received even though I have told them that my age is verified:
This means that even though you have verified your age with an ID or however you did it, it seems like your account or area is still not able to gain Voice Chat due to it still being a beta.
Weird, because other people who live in my country got Voice Chat.
@BitFist When can we expect more than 50 people with vc? If u can share any small details lmk.
is there any update on this? it’s been 4 months…