Voice Chat has been extremely unstable since release

Reproduction Steps

As of 6/6/22, voice chat has been extremely unstable. Voice chat will randomly disconnect at times, and remain disconnected for 10+ minutes. When this crash / disconnect happens, the Roblox client freezes for a few frames. Once the client un-freezes, everyone’s microphone icons shows the volume indicator moving up and down rapidly (as if they are talking), but no audio can be heard. Your own microphone will often be greyed out.
To reproduce this, simply enter a large voice chat server around 6-7 PM EST (such as the open space, a popular voicechat hangout game). Large servers will often have voice chat crash.
I do not have any video recordings of this issue unfortunately.
It is also worth noting - when voice chat is crashing in one experience, it tends to crash in other experiences pretty consistently as well, leading me to believe it’s a larger backend issue with Roblox, instead of an experience-specific issue.

While voice-chat is experiencing this instability, really odd connection issues between players happen as well. For example:
Once the server recovers, Player A can hear player B, but player B cannot hear player A, even though they are both connected to voice chat.

Expected Behavior

It is expected that voice-chat remains stable up-to its defined player limit, and it is also expected that players will hear other players that are connected to voicechat.

Actual Behavior

Voice chat tends to crash in larger servers, and when it recovers, some players cannot hear certain other players.



Issue Area: Engine
Issue Type: Performance
Impact: High
Frequency: Often
Date Last Experienced: 2022-06-06 00:06:00 (-04:00)


Whenever your voice chat is greyed out, you can usually click the icon above your player’s head and it’ll work.

In these scenarios I’ve described, clicking it does not restore connectivity since it is down for everyone, not just one person.

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Thanks for the report. I filed a ticket to our internal database and we’ll investigate!


Are there any updates on this? Voice chat is still extremely unstable, it’s borderline unusable most days.


Hi! We still have players reporting VC to be very unstable and it causes players to leave the game to wait until it’s stable again. Saw this post and thought it would be a good idea to remind you this is still happening.

Games I work on having issues:

And I assume the other VC related games also have these problems!


Another issue I’ve noticed is that sometimes when it shows I am muted, players can still hear me speak even though I never unmuted myself in-game. It’s happened to several of my friends in different games with voice chat enabled. You could potentially be saying something private to a friend through a call over Discord or whatnot and someone in-game may hear that which you obviously wouldn’t want them to.

Usually every few minutes now I unmute and mute myself again to make sure I’m not speaking in-game when I don’t plan on talking to other players. And if you’re wondering, no, I’m not accidentally clicking on the unmute icon above my head or game menu.


this is what I came here looking for. This is absolutely horrible idek how they messed this up

I’ve occasionally frequently (possibly on a rise) run into times where whenever I mute people, I still hear them afterwards.
This delay usually lasts from an additional second, to them never being muted at all.

Any update for this at all? This is still a huge issue to this day, and it makes Spatial Voice difficult to use properly on most games that have it enabled

The only workaround (Might not call it one but it seems to happen randomly) I could really find is to Re-Enable it, wait a couple moments, then join a different game that has Spatial Voice on

Bumping this again.

We’re still having players say these sorts of issues:

  • Players hear some but not all players who have voice chat enabled.
  • Voice chat randomly disconnects (server and not just one client)

We really wish for this to be sorted, it’s a major factor of spatial games!

:pray: ing for an update on this situation!



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Hey everyone, just circling back here. Service is stable. Everything should be ok. Going to close this one out.

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