Voice chat moderation : Moderation reason needs to be given when banned from voice chat

I don’t have any other thread to write this in, but I’ve just fallen into the same repetitive trap. Account clean for years until the AI stuff gets dumped like dirty water and we’re just expected to figure out how to breathe.

Pls Donate is the source of the pic (happened maybe 10 mins before posting this), I’ve worked very hard to limit my language (even things YOU CAN TYPE in the chat that doesn’t censor) which doesn’t work anymore. I’m assuming beggars hate-reported me for not feeding into their entitlement which makes me question why I even bother trying to enjoy myself in that game anymore.

I have been terminated for verbally telling a user to leave me alone as they were doing something inappropriate in-game (unsurprisingly, in Pls Donate as well). I’ve been moderated for telling others to stop encouraging players to take their own life (Mic Up). Appealing doesn’t work, taking clips doesn’t work. Everything somehow conveniently falls into Roblox’s hands no matter what you do.

To be honest, given the current class action lawsuit, I feel as though they need to be hit again where it hurts, but that’s just me. The only way they’ll listen to its users is if they’re being threatened by the law. I’ve been pondering the idea of starting my own because this ongoing neglect of every single user on this site has gone too far and so many of my friends have taken hits they never should have. I’m theorizing they’re doing the most to prevent people raking in Robux from using the Devex program but that’s a theory for another day.

For my termination, it should not have taken multiple people pleading on my behalf for Roblox to correct their error (even if it’s always been wrong) to a lighter sentence. I’ve resorted to physically muting my mic so I can still listen to people at times because this system, as everyone else already mentioned, is broken. I shouldn’t have to worry that simply existing within a 3D computer space can result in my account and PC being denied access to visiting the site. Have we exhausted all of our other options? What else can we do to solve this?


The attached screenshot says otherwise, it appears as if your username was flagged as innapropriate when attached to a chat message for some reason. If this ever happens again, you should be able to reset your username by requesting a reset from support afaik, certainly a moderation issue yet it doesn’t appear to be one related to vc.


I agree. Imagine being false reported, getting no reason of ban and you just have to wait to play again. I think GDILIVES / John Roblox got banned on his alt for a day because he got false reported.


The last screenshot is what they adjusted it to. I understand that process but it bugged much like with every other user reporting into this thread. That’s why I included it.


So 3 days ago I was playing PLS DONATE alone donating to people, everything was pretty normal until a notification popped up saying that I was supposedly banned from VC.


I decided to wait and create a ticket for roblox support but after the 3 days of waiting I didn’t recieve anything from them.
Today, the day that I get unbanned, I played PLS DONATE again but in this case to talk with a few friends using a very friendly language, then this happened:


This is unacceptable, how is it possible to get banned from VC for 1 week without hurting anyone?? I was just chatting with a few friends + having fun but apparentely I got mass-reported (because this might be the reason) and then got suspended from VC. Probably I have to wait that week because roblox support is useless and they just respond with a copy-pasted message that don’t help.


It’s been almost an entire week – the duration of my VC suspension – and they haven’t responded to me either. This time, however, I explicitly told them to provide a clip of the violating content so that I could review it and lift my moderation if they failed to provide it.

Are they straight-up ignoring us now? Do we get pushed down the list of appeals due to how many “violations” we’ve had on our accounts? I’ll say what I said previously: Do we need to hit them where it hurts for them to finally listen?

“We are here to help and improve the moderation process.”…“We appreciate your patience and will be responding to you soon.”…

They got rid of the regular forums because they didn’t want to monitor them anymore. Why don’t they cut themselves some slack and do the same with everything else…


I just had the exact same happen to me, I was playing and all of a sudden I was suspended for no reason, I didn’t even say anything that violated the guidelines, and yet I cannot see why or what ‘got’ me banned.


please sue these guys bro :sob: they cant be getting away with this cuh its not even just vc anymore


As someone who has been falsely permanently suspended from VC on their main account, I fully agree with this thread.

I still have no clue why I got permanently banned, despite the fact I asked Roblox support for answers, and even tried appealing it several times under the premise there is no evidence presented to support a permanent suspension of my VC.

I’ve tried contacting people I know at Roblox but seem to be unable to give me my VC back, it’s honestly disgusting that a developer of my credibility can just be mass reported and then be suspended from a feature that I use to socialize.

I’m neurodivergent, and the condition I have results in issues with socialization.
I find that voice chat has helped me find more confidence to talk to people new, and Roblox has taken that away from me for literally no reason (or a stupid one at that, I literally don’t even know why).

I need my VC to be reinstated, but nobody is actually able to do anything to help me, nor is anyone willing to help me, it seems.

I’ve resorted to using a friend’s ID on a private alternate account to get access to VC again, and I am in constant fear that, that account, too, will get falsely suspended.
It’s already happened on there a few times now.

Roblox also doesn’t seem to take context into consideration, for example, I was recently conversing with an LGBT friend of mine who I won’t name or mention what part of the community they are in for privacy reasons, but essentially we both reclaim the “F” and “T” slurs with each other consensually, and she has recently been suspended and banned after having that conversation with me the other day.

Roblox needs to relax their petty moderation on VC and bring it back to how it was when only top developers had access to it.

Roblox VC is trash, and I’m now having to just resort to asking people to add me on Discord instead, which takes time and effort.


Same here. I had to make an entire group and server that partially stemmed from this reason. It doesn’t make it any easier for my mobile-only friends to communicate with me too due to performance limitations.

Sadly, at least for now, that’s one of the only things any of us can do. Completely toggle off VC and use other sources for communication. Hopefully, it won’t have to be this way forever, but who knows at this point.


By the way, I found the problem. If people report you, you get automatically banned without any validation to the reports. And no one is actually looking at getting this fixed.

This is a flawed way to handle reports as people who don’t like someone can get someone banned fairly easily. It doesn’t help how people often report someone immediately because of their appearance.


Yeah I can confirm this. There is no review, reports result in instant bans with no possibility of appeals. It’s a messed up system and Roblox refuses to do anything about it.


I received a one-day suspension of my voice chat for no reason. I only uttered TWO words total through the voice chat, those being:
“ENOUGH!” (I said it angrily as somebody was annoying me)
“GO.” (Someone would not stop following me)
That was it. No profanity or anything.


(This is because the voice chat moderation system is managed by a bot)



I personally believe that roblox moderation is not all that bad. Yes it does have its ups and downs but it is truly better then multiple companies.

I was playing ER:LC the other day and I came across people using very racial slurs (terms) against me. (Note: I am not someone who gets offended by these terms), but I just reported them. Not even 30 seconds after I reported the players they were banned off the platform.

While Roblox moderation is not the worst, I have been banned falsely once for scamming, but I was luckily able to appeal it and it got accepted. I think its just truly the way that people talk to the admins and what the offense was.

Following to what I was saying, I also provided screenshots, the asset ID of the item, the name of it, and explained what it was for to hopefully get the admin to understand the purpose of the item.

Overall I haven’t had an issue with voice chat moderation, but it does show that it can be appealed and that people are there :slight_smile:


Yes, but this does not mean that your entire statement is true. As you can see here from multiple users and on multiple other threads, others have faced similar punishment without the ability to either appeal or know accurately what their violation was.

If only that was actually true…


This topic is about voice chat moderation and the relevant appeals process.

Sharing your anecdotal story that has nothing to do with voice chat is irrelevant and doesn’t prove anything.

What you believe about Roblox’s moderation doesn’t matter- the facts do.

I invite you to name multiple companies.


Yeah, it’s surprisingly easy to get banned from VC. I figured this out myself after (I believe) someone mass reported me, even though I wasn’t doing anything bad. If Roblox just added a reason for bans and the ability to easily appeal them then it wouldn’t be so bad, but they haven’t added either, which means I’m honestly just not gonna use it until they can find some way to fix this


Personally, I believe that these cases are a result of a lack of communication between Roblox and their moderation teams. I believe that Roblox is not sending the required information (e.g. brief snippets of voice chat recordings, chat messages around that time) for moderators to provide a proper verdict. As a result of this, Roblox moderators likely just read the reason provided by the reporter and create a verdict (usually a few days’ ban as we have seen recently) based solely on said reason.

Again, this is purely just speculation but this might be something worth considering.


I…I’m dead. This is so true in the most nicest way possible. I have gotten suspended 4 times and the most recent a 2 week suspension AND a 1 day ban for playing Fleetwood Mac like what…

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