Voice chat moderation : Moderation reason needs to be given when banned from voice chat

A friend just told me that his cousin got banned on roblox off voice chat (even doesn’t has a microphone) because he argued with a girl on textchat then got reported by her 30 times to get banned A WEEK.
Team if you are reading this,either disable reporting off voice chat or get a proper moderating system for voice chat.

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I’m surprised this post is still active :skull: I’ve lost all faith in roblox actually listening at all, the moderation will never change for voice chat


Bro like they should just remove the report amount ban its the worst moderating way I’ve ever seen even AI would be 10x better
Or else everyone has the ability to ban others


Sorry for the necro, but from my experience I believe there is a moderation bot that is trained to detect nude or sexual models. Having a color palette on the model that has a similar color on its arms/legs/head and its torso will run the risk of having it banned, as the bot believes it is a “nude” model (no clothes since there is “skin” color throughout the model).

Annoying? Yes. I get around it by either uploading test models on my alt or changing the scheme to be not “nude”.

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aye they needa chill out with these bots bro, everything to do with moderation is a literal bot, i’m starting to think customer support appeals are handles by bots because of how frequently i get the same response, even vc bans are bots, they really need to fix this its a huge problem

Note: due to the context of the quotes replies, by ‘bot’ I’m specifically referring to an AI-based bot, not simple automation as that is what the quoted users were referring to. This also refers more to asset moderation due to the fact that the quoted replies also referred to asset moderation.

I was informed by a DevRel employee that while they do employ bots as part of their moderation flow, you will never receive an account moderation action from a bot, the worst that the bot can give you is moderate your asset.

Can we please as a community stop assuming that it ‘must be a bot’ because moderation can be terrible at times. People make mistakes too and in the scope of how many users there are on Roblox the error rate must be incredibly minute. That doesn’t mean that moderation is ‘good’ because they use humans who can sometimes make mistakes, yet it does matter in the context that you don’t assume it’s bots moderating your account. A Roblox employee coming across replies like this can unfortunately take on none of the feedback because it makes the heavy assumption that ‘bots are causing the problem’ which according to DevRel, is not the case.

I’ve still lost hope in roblox either way, bot or not… It’s a recurring issue that would be even WORSE if it’s people doing this, but how could real people revoke voice chat access so fast without reviewing/sending you voicelogs etc


Frankly, Roblox is setting many many records for having the world’s slowest customer response times in history. Okay, maybe that’s a bold claim, but I think it holds merit. . For real, how long could it possibly take to open an appeal, look at the flagged unique ID number’s reference (which all appeals have), and click either a “Good” or “Bad” button? Even their responses are automatic, nobody ever hand types a Roblox email anymore.

As an example, I uploaded a set of audio files several days ago for an engine/motor. ONE of these many got moderated “for abusing Roblox systems” whatever the heck that means… So, obviously, my entire project is now on a complete hold while I wait for the appeal I submitted to get processed. I mean, seriously? You are expected to wait DAYS upon DAYS for an audio appeal just because the worst auto-moderation system on the entire internet decided to flag it? And the same can be said for textures, accounts, and other things.

Ultimately, here is what I don’t understand (besides everything else). Why can’t the auto-mod, when it senses something bad, flag it for a real person to look at first instead of just outright deleting it (and even maybe your account too!). The ideology that an auto-mod can not only delete assets but also terminate accounts just because its poorly constructed algorithm feels like it at this very moment is so ridiculous that I’m positive a group of children could come up with something better.

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This is because a group of children CAN come up with something better. It’s so frustrating having to halt all development after uploading an asset that gets moderated by a bot. I got that same message for “Abusing Roblox Systems” which shouldn’t even be bannable… to be frank I don’t even understand what “Abusing Roblox Systems” Is even supposed to mean, but it is what it is man.


According to DevRel this is not the case, while the auto-mod can auto delete assets; such assets must be sent onto a human moderator before moderation action can be taken against an account.

When the mistake rate is about 90%, it’s pretty bad.
I can’t tell if you’re bluffing or you just plan on kissing up to them despite all the obvious proof that it’s been pretty bad for awhile now.

People make assumptions that they’re bots due to the fact that there have been many experiments (and it’s been proven months ago) that asking a bunch of people to report you even after not having said anything that’s remotely harmful to anybody, can get you suspended or banned.

Maybe if they actually spoke or or gave us literally any sort of reply, we would actually be aware that they’re not bots.

You’re suggesting this is the case for voice chat moderation? Myself and others have received an account ban (not just a vc revoke) while only in-game for <10 minutes. Frankly I don’t believe this at all. Roblox is definitely not expending that kind of man-power into their moderation.

An actual DevRel reply to the post would provide some insight :slight_smile:. Regardless of the speculation as to how the moderation works, it is undoubtedly a problem regardless of the means.


I got Sara too, and it was also a cookie cutter response. Roblox needs to step up their moderation; they’re a multibillion dollar company, they can afford decent moderation.

i seriously doubt this honestly, no way a human moderator looks at my voice logs / npcs / etc or whatever I upload and decides its against TOS when it isnt EVERY SINGLE TIME I use voice chat extensively / upload assets

I agree because one of my friends was suspended on voice chat but was unsure why and what he said that was bad so he didn’t use voice chat much after that.


Got another false ban but in Mic Up, wasn’t cursing at all and got banned for a day…

Another false ban, was one from my friend, he’s a furry and he plays this game called “Criminality” and he was talking in voice chat and he got mass reported and got banned meanwhile I was also talking and I didn’t get banned.

Back in Mic Up, two people were doing an NSFW STUFF WITH ANOTHER PERSON IN THE SAME SERVER. I reported them and I feel like they won’t even get banned. Voice chat moderation is a joke at this point. I’ve heard people say the N-word in voice chat, the F-word, the T-word, and other slurs thrown around.

Reporting people doing bad stuff won’t even work, they’ll still be there even the next day.

Reporting has always been crap on Roblox, reported people who did stuff such as bypassing chat or bullying people many years ago and they did nothing at all. Yet when a report has no base at all it just can just go through and then you get banned for a day, and when you appeal, they respond a few days later with a large smirk on their face saying “Sorry! the account is already unbanned!”

Here are a few ways Roblox can fix this issue:

    1. Ban Credits
      How they should work:
      Roblox mods should investigate bans even after the user gets unbanned, and if they find that you did not do anything wrong, they give you an amount of ban credits depending on how long the ban was, which can be used to remove a day from a ban per credit. This would help greatly with other types of bans, as they already made you wait enough. Previous bans should be looked into (if they can) and if they happened to be false, you get credits.
    1. Implement a better moderation system.
      A few simple ideas:
      Idea 1: Hire people who aren’t outsourced from India.
      Idea 2: Have multiple moderators listen to the voice chat conversation and judge.
    1. Remove voice chat moderation entirely.
      Not even Discord moderates voice calls, and is absolutely stupid to force rules over real-time communication. There is a reason there’s a mute button above their head and in the menu, y’know. If you don’t want to hear someone say something you don’t like, don’t get them banned for a whole entire day, just mute them and move on.
    1. Give a log of the voice-chat.
      This is literally so STUPID, it’s something that someone with common sense would do.
      “Misusing Roblox Systems,” how were you misusing it? Give an example on what the user who was banned was doing. I know this might be expensive to do especially with how much size the audio can take up on servers, but just compress the audio size, and upload it to a server to be able to be played and heard. This would help people not do what they did to get banned.

Roblox does not listen to it’s smaller creators

    1. Roblox only listens to massive content creators and don’t care about their fanbase at all. See for example, the audio update that completely ruined games that relied on toolbox audios and games that won’t get updated. Example being the Flamingo “yes” incident. He would’ve probably been banned for longer or even forever if he didn’t have such a large following.
    1. Roblox is a massive corporation and they only care when someone massive says something bad about them, another example is People Make Games, they made a video about how Roblox exploits young game developers, and Roblox pressured them to delete the video. Roblox wants to appease the advertisers and not their fans, unlike to how they were a few years ago, doing cool events and not some cash-grab celebrity burrito game that crashes the whole website.
    1. Roblox does nothing about stealing assets unless it has something to do with copyrighted assets, like video game music, models, and characters, unless it’s a UGC hat. UGC has many flaws, many hats are uploaded that have infringing material. Creators can split up hats to bypass copyright. You can slow down or speed up music to bypass copyright too! The audio update did absolute jack to stop you from just bypassing a copyrighted song. You can find bypassed audios of the “Freak” song and heck, even the “FNaF 2 Living Tombstone” song.
      Roblox has barely done anything to prevent people from just joining games and downloading their assets, you can open up the console on games and get SoundIds, Textures, and even AnimationIds. Save instancing has been an issue for many years, you can save a game and it’s assets visible on the client, but however a few years ago in 2017, you could see into ServerStorage and ServerScriptService and even steal scripts. You can get your stuff stolen and you can’t do crap about it unless you know about legal stuff. But yet, still they can just steal your game and make a private copy of it and play it with their friends. A prime example of this are what people call “crim copies,” they’re remakes of the game Criminality, they usually get taken down but they come back, and they even make money.
    1. Exploiting, it’s still a big problem and people even developed ways to bypass Byfron. You can literally bypass Byfron entirely by using the outdated Windows Store version of Roblox. Wanna know something funny? The Windows Store version still works (atleast to my knowledge currently)! Which is really dumb, as Byfron felt like it would’ve been a saving grace, but you still see exploiters ruining games with aimbot and other things that give them an unfair advantage.

Rant over, but this is a serious problem Roblox needs to fix, moderation in general is absolutely horrid. Voice chat can be an excellent tool for communicating but you can easily just false report someone for no reason at all and get away with it scot-free. Roblox has their back against fixing their moderation.


This is a poor solution, malicious users would abuse this system by intentionally uploading “edgy but within ToS” assets to attempt to get falsely banned and earn ban credits. Also, users that are falsely banned once are not necessarily more likely to be falsely banned again afaik so it doesn’t even really help in that regard.


I salute everything you have said. Especially the “smaller creator” comments. Somebody uploaded an audio of my voice to Roblox they ripped from a youtube video of mine and when I tried to DMCA Roblox and them for it, Roblox gave me the non-thumb/pointer/ring/pinky finger. You have to be a big boy record label with millions of dollars in lawyer help to get them to care.


Receiving account bans from this feature is extremely excessive given the fact that the moderation for Voice Chat, while not moderated by an AI, is still driven without context of a Voice Chat conversation. At worst it should be a ban from Voice Chat. I should not be getting banned for 3 days for “harassment” when I’ve at most spoken 10 words in a 5-minute session of a game, left wondering and scratching my head as to why I’ve been banned at all.

When I get reactivated I am turning Voice Chat off. It’s only tainting my moderation record. I can’t talk to any of my friends anymore on this platform and being social generally sucks on Roblox.


this whole thread is the exact reason I wont enable voice chat, its not worth the constant threat of an unavoidable ban