Voice chat moderation : Moderation reason needs to be given when banned from voice chat

This hasn’t happened to me (yet). However, users in 17+ experiences like On Tap are getting their accounts banned for different sets of days while still engaging in content directly listed by ToS or by the content rating appended to the game and/or implied due to surrounding culture. The last bit can be iffy for sure, but why allow bar-style games on Roblox if you don’t want people…well…larping as if they’re actually in one (within reason of course).

Time and time again Roblox implements features without properly assessing prior situations that are overdue for evaluation on how they are performing. Remember when they put the responsibility on devs years ago to make their own chat filtering system because it was clear they’d never fix their own? How about exploiters, ddosers, etc. Now with voice chat and UGC. They need people on their team worth thinking of the risks and go-getters who will work on behalf of the community majority to make this experience and website what it should be, not this tattered mess.


That, and for some of us, we aren’t exactly keen on giving our ID to Roblox™.


Looks like they are tackling VC moderation a bit differently now, and you are given strikes rather than an instant ban. (Instead of a voice chat removal, I got a warning, pretty sure I said “hell”, causing this warning.


Wasn’t the case for me, I haven’t gotten this pop up and got an immediate 1 week suspension. I didn’t even swear, just friendly banter with a friend of mine.
(This popup shows if you use the roseal extension)

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Pretty sure this was announced at RDC! Something very close to it, at least.

Surely their AI voice recognition knows the difference between hell and hello… surely hell isn’t censored when it’s suppose to be a 13+ feature …


So true also we dont know what we said so maybe it was a slip up

Roblox to big developers: Oh sure, we’ll figure it out right away!
Roblox to small developers: :ghost:


I thought this was over…


I killed someone in “Da Hood” and they spam reported me, AND LITERALLY SAID THEMSELVES THAT IT WAS FALSE, and roblox still moderated my account. This is a really big issue… This is all I got in the message.

Not to mention, the person I reported for swearing can still talk…


“Our systems have detected behavior that may violate ToS.”

Their systems:

Da Hood seems like is a breeding ground for toxicity, so it’s not too surprising somebody would go out of their way to mass report somebody that killed them…


Somehow my voice chat got reinstated already. I think some devrel member saw this or something, because i didnt get a response to my appeal yet. W person

I wish someone stood up during the question segment of RDC and asked if the “support” and “appeals” team would ever be fixed. (granted david would most likely answers the question in a way that doesn’t give any information like he did with the other questions) Its genuinely disgusting that a million dollar company can’t bother having a better system in place nor can they bother giving transparency about whats going on to the developers that they make money off of.

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They also need better moderation, but I see the false bans decreasing and can actually use vc for more than 1 hours now.

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it happened AGAIN

after i got jumped by a lot of people


It’s ridiculous how this is still going on. I had a user come up to me in a VC Game today, and they messaged me “You have a nice voice, can you tell me how old you are”. Weird question, but I answered.

Them asking me is against ToS, me answering ISN’T. I got a VC ban for this, they go no moderation affect whatsoever.

I also got false spam report VC Banned about 2 weeks ago. Upon appealing, they said “There’s no such thing”, yet the other people in the game asked what happened, and 2 people openly admitted to “spam reporting my voice chat”.

As a full-time Roblox Developer, who uses Voice Chat for purposes such as recruiting developers, talking with other developers about ideas, and such forth, it’s getting quite out of hand. At this rate, I’m worried I’m going to get banned for literally saying “hi”.

The worst part about all of this is, and like it has been mentioned over the past 174 replies, and the past year, it’s all handled by bots, or people who really couldn’t care less if they got fired. Try appealing? Don’t waste your time, everything is just copied and pasted, you get no where.

Roblox VC has been out for well over a year now, and to say simple errors like this, which could be easily fixed by HIRING REAL MODERATORS, are still prominent, is just out right disappointing. Especially to say Roblox is a multi-billion company to this day (of the reply), having a net worth of $17.69b.

They really need to step up their game. People have been reporting these issues for over a year, and I’ve not seen ONE reply from a DevRel, or Roblox Staff Member full stop. To say Roblox is “caring about there community” is a false statement; They just want money from their audience, and couldn’t care about their community, else they’d actually invest into FIXING THESE ISSUES, or GIVE CLARITY.


Sorry, it’s just how it goes. Maybe next time be more careful to evade a VC ban.


Actually it’s the other way around. Sharing “personal information” or pii is bannable, but asking depends on severity.

Age is not PII… there is actually a specific rule against sharing your age for some reason, which is dumb but okay. Still shouldn’t get you banned…


Where is this in the Community Standards, because upon looking, there’s nothing about age in the security tab under section 2, “Sharing Personal Information”

Either way, It shouldn’t be ban-able for sharing it, as, well, its your choice if you want to, but asking it should be ban-able without a doubt because its invading personal security, etc.

EDIT 04/10/23: I’ve just gone through the WHOLE of the Roblox Community Standards, and not once does it say anything about sharing your age being against the rules. So it appears that Roblox, like in my previous post, and what a lot of other people have said; They simply do not have a good moderation system. They moderate you for things they don’t even have in their rule book, but tell you to “read” them, as if that’s going to help :question: :man_shrugging:


Just playing a game, someone reports me, and my voice chat get suspended, great job Roblox!

Trying to get It back, I have done nothing wrong!

Moderation here needs a step-up for once. They are a billon worth company that has the worst moderation ever!

Edit -

Knew this was useless…


Voice chat has been a ban trap since it got implemented and I always kept my VC disabled due to this ongoing false reporting victims for no reason at all.

I don’t even trust myself leaving it on but mic disabled as I tend to enable the mic by accident and boom someone reports me without me knowing it.