< - Void Clan - > Rank System
All Rank responsibilities carry on to all ranks above that rank.
3 Raids must be attended, along with a Basic Trainee training to rank up to Trained Cadet.
- Join a Corps, Regiment, Brigade, Battalion, and Company within 1 week of you being ranked up from Recruit to Trained Cadet. After 1 week, if you have not decided, you will be demoted back to recruit. Once you have decided, inform us within the discord communications in #organization-requests. < - Void Clan - > : Security Forces : Organization / Troop Classification Systems.
- Attend all brigade trainings (every week, with your brigade) (You can only miss 1 per month).
- Attend all battles your company takes part in (You can only miss 2 battles a week).
- Join the discord server (You must be in it to rank up above Recruit), as well as get the development, raid, and training roles, along with your time zone role, in #roles which is under the important category.
- Join the following groups:
Operation Plasma - Roblox
< - Void Clan - > : Security Forces - Roblox
24 Raids (Not counting the 3 raids done when you were a Recruit) must be attended, you also must join all void clan games, leave a like, favorite, and follow (This is because our enemies dislike bot us a lot). When this task is completed, prove it in #tasks. Once you have done this, along with 2 Recruit Trainings, you may rank up to Knight.
- Attend all brigade trainings (every week, with your brigade) (You can only miss 1 per month).
- Attend all battles your company takes part in (You can only miss 5 battles a month).
75 Raids (Not counting the 24 done when you were a Trained Cadet) must be attended, along with 4
Cadet Trainings, and 3 awards to rank up to Knight.
- Run patrols in Void Clan games, such as the Void Clan energy center, or void clan lab, every week (Patrol must last 5 minutes).
200 Raids (Not counting the 75 done when you were a Knight) must be attended, along with 3 Knight Trainings, and 10 awards (including the 3 required to rank up to a Knight).
- Run the same patrols as Knights, except instead of 5 minutes it lasts for 10 minutes.
400 Raids (Not counting the 200 done when you were a Trooper) must be attended, along with 4 Trooper Trainings and 20 Heroic Medals, along with 12 Normal Medals must be achieved to rank up to warrior.
- Lead battalions.
- Recruiting responsibilities (MAYBE, only if ordered)
1200 Raids (Not counting the 400 done when you were a Warrior) must be attended, along with 3 Warrior Trainings and 24 Heroic Medals, 16 Normal Medals, and a Medal of Honor (granted DIRECTLY from WatchersBloxWaatchh himself) must be achieved to rank up to Minuteman.
- Ultimately devote yourself to void clan.
- Lead regiments and brigades.