This topic covers the organization system within void clan’s security forces.
Our organization is very detailed, and so it is important we have an area for people to view it, being this developer forum post.
Check this google document for all the information on our Organization System: Void Clan Forces Organization - Google Docs
- Be in the < - Void Clan - > : Security Forces group.
< - Void Clan - > : Security Forces - Roblox - Be Recruit+ (If you join the group as a researcher in the science department or as a citizen, you won’t be accepted through the join requests).
How to apply
- Choose which Corps, regiment, brigade, and platoon you would like to be in.
- Request the Corps, regiment, brigade, and platoon within the Void Clan Security Forces group wall OR the discord (Ping one of the online staff, if none then just ping the co owner) in this format:
Hello, may I join the [Platoon], in [Brigade] that is in [Regiment] and [Corps]?
Corps, Regiments, Brigades
1st Corps PSF (Projectile Specialist Forces) Regiments
F1: This regiment is for any long ranged non-mobile weapon. - Artillery Regiment
52nd Artillery Brigade
Elite Rocketeer Brigade
T2: This regiment is gun combat, CQC, and fights on or near the front lines, using any small arms fire. -Small Arms Combat Regiment
101st Paratrooper Brigade
5th Light Infantry Brigade
Tactical Black Ops Brigade
3rd Recon Infantry Brigade
2nd Corps MP (Military Police) Regiments
Military Police
3rd Corps VSF (Vehicle Specialized Forces) Regiments
T1: This regiment will transport MCSF F1 troops to and from battle - Transport and Logistics Regiment.
6th Paratrooper Transport Brigade
3rd Trucking Brigade
5th Speed Brigade
C2: This regiment will help troops on the front lines and at any battle area - Combative Vehicle Regiment
42nd Navy Support Brigade
45th Armored Brigade
3rd Air Support Brigade
10th Air Recon Brigade
Please choose a Corps, regiment ,brigade, and platoon within your request