Volumetric Clouds Module

clouds make it look good i love this 1/0

BRO how the hell did you do this i am :exploding_head:

Update: Phase 2 arrives at 8 PM Est. BE READY!!

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What does it use? Particle emitters? Meshes? Parts?

part and texture. 30 hamburger

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15 hamburger, take it or leave it


is this based off of the terrain clouds roblox released or is it something completely different, im having an issue right now that the terrain volumetric clouds dont show up on mobile or just look like a plain white sheet


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oh hey this post again, I keep seeing this on my timeline, anyways, the reason you see a white sheet is because how his cloud module works is it essentially layers a bunch of textures with an image to create a 3d effect, this does not work on low end devices (despite it saying ā€œoptimizedā€) as a low end deviceā€™s hardware cannot compute all of the textures. You are actually better off using the regular clouds, but Iā€™m not sure if they work on mobile yet.

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Update: This module is essentially irrelevant (Compared to the clouds ROBLOX is in the development process of making.) So I have been hard at work for the past month or 2 planning and developing an incredibly realistic Dynamic Weather module. (Incredibly realistic weather with full customization in roblox)

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