Voting does not consistently work/update on the roblox site

Reproduction Steps

Vote for roblox games on the roblox website.

Expected Behavior

The up and/or downvotes should update when the up or downvote buttons are clicked

Actual Behavior

The votes do not appear to register

Issue Area: Roblox Website
Page URL: ShimmerVille 🏡 RP - Roblox
Impact: Low
Frequency: Sometimes
Date First Experienced: 2022-10-23 00:10:00 (-07:00)
Date Last Experienced: 2022-10-30 00:10:00 (-07:00)


I’ve been having issues like this, really anything info related being “updated” right then and there. (Me favoriting being a common one along with the liking/disliking.) There might be an internal and intentional delay on info being displayed. :person_shrugging:

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This has been happening on-and-off for like 3 years now, and it’s been reported at least twice already. I haven’t been able to vote on anything for the entire year and I really wish it’d get fixed someday.

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Ye, you should try reloading the page. It will later be the desired 1,001.

Bug already known and reported months ago (Game Ratings Not Saving) but the devs are clearly praying it silently fixes itself randomly like it did last time

Long story short just put up with the fact that you can no longer trust game ratings to be accurate, if so many people on the devforum are reporting this issue imagine how many more non devforum users are suffering (and if you wanna stretch it further, how many users don’t use ratings but are still potentially suffering the bug, or do but haven’t noticed yet)

Small edit to clarify and provide more info briefly to people who haven’t checked the other existing threads on this bug:

  • This happens across ALL games
  • Clicking either button (like or dislike) will refresh the like/dislike count (so very popular games will have the votes change based on the votes that have happened since you first loaded the page) but will NOT count your vote (if you vote on a game which would not have others voting on it at the time, the score will not change)
  • Refreshing the page entirely does NOT count your vote either - The votes will refresh to include other non-affected users votes, but will NOT include yours, and the like/dislike button will go back to the default as if you never voted at all.

This happens to me aswell. I’ve also noticed my account has much stricter login captchas than other accounts. Even when logging in from a known trusted device.

Thanks for the report! We’ll investigate.