Voxel | Free Volumetric Lighting | v0.7 [Late Beta]

Group 39

Group 28

Group 30

Group 32

Simplistic Volumetric Lighting

  • Drag and Drop into ReplicatedStorage
  • Use shadowmap for performance, use future for better looks. :sunglasses:

Level up your game with Voxel Group 6



All current and future versions of VOXEL are, unless communicated otherwise, licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license.


ewqewqweqeweq 1  Sparkk Group 6 (2)

There are still some issues with quality and performance but they should be ironed out within updates.


Looks cool, but can you explain how it works? And show a video example as not everyone wants to play a game.


ewqewqweqeweq 1  Sparkk Group 6 (2)

Here is a demo showing the capabilities of Voxel :slightly_smiling_face:


voxel2  Voxel Group 6

Changelog :

  • Added visibility control for volumetric fog, can be found in Voxel > Configuration
  • Performance and looks optimizations. :hammer_and_wrench:

Looks nice but it works even with graphics at 1?


ewqewqweqeweq 1  Sparkk Group 6 (2)

This system uses billboard gui’s to crate volumetric lighting, and since billboard gui’s work at graphics level one, so does this!


Why can’t be it in StarterPlayerScripts? I made it so it works in there easily by parenting the camera part to workspace.CurrentCamera


Please mind the fact that while Billboard method works, it doesn’t work when the light source is facing your camera (this is only for Future lighting)
For everything else it looks very cool other than lack of configuration and oddly specific installation (wouldn’t it be more logical if the froxel host would be parented to camera?)

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ewqewqweqeweq 1  Sparkk Group 6 (2)

I come from a background of fps frameworks so I did what came naturally :slightly_smiling_face:
Plus this is in early beta so I will I will redo the code to support this.

Yes this is a major problem that I have noticed with billboard gui’s. In response by full release, I should be able to make a performant blend of particles and billboards. Look out for that soon :smiley:

I am also working on this, it should be up and running by the time of release or even sooner.

Thanks everyone for the great suggestions! :grinning:

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Well fps frameworks should be in the camera instance and try to not have any anchored parts in the character as it can break other scripts.


ewqewqweqeweq 1 Sparkk Group 6 (2)

Next update coming soon!

this is just billboard GUIS, not even real volumetrics.


This is truly a friendly fire moment.


No, its not. i use billboards for Lens flares. Not volumetrics.


Its a Volumetric Lighting/Volumetric Fog System as it states twice in the description. Either way, it still improves visuals which is a win. Besides, you should never expect real volumetric lighting to be achieved on roblox unless roblox natively supports it themselves. The least anyone can do is thank Spark for going out of their way to make this system for us.


You can’t even get the lighting information or anything through luau. Billboard GUI’s are used for froxels because Roblox doesn’t provide vol. lighting out of the box. It’s done by either layering particles or beams or whatever can be illuminated by light sources.
That’s the only way you can project the illumination of the scene on the screen.


Currently there is no solution to using real volumetrics on Roblox, as vvv331 correctly points out,

Every system on the market uses a type of UI or Particle to make this affect work, volumika, mine, and other systems.

Honestly, I thought you would be better instead of getting mad over people making similar projects to you…

when you made a video called “ALARE Editable Lighting Engine Volumetric Lighting test 2” what did you use? Magic? smh.


ewqewqweqeweq 1 Sparkk Group 6 (2)

I am happy to announce VOXEL 0.5!

This is a complete revamp of the previous system that now uses a module!
Infinite possibilities are created with how customizable the module allows you to be.

Thanks everyone for the support and suggestions!


this is rich coming from someone who charges money for basically the same thing.