Welcome to the session hosting guide for Wal-Mart©. This guide is mostly meant for HR+, but anyone who has the desire to be an HR can view this and get used to it.
Requirements to hosting:
- in order to host a shift, you must be the rank of chief staff officer+.
- have discord
- be in our server
- know how to host (keep reading this guide if you don’t know how)
Step 1: Knowing the commands
When we host sessions, we use a bot to announce it on the discord. Below will be the commands on how you use the bot! (Remember to announce it on the group shout after using the bot!)
Click to see the commands
Dyno Commands:
?shift - run this command in #session-announcements to start a shift.
?promo- run this command in #session-announcements to start a promo shift. (Promo shifts are discontinued unless on a special occasion)
Assistants commands:
!shift - run this command in #session-announcements to start a shift.
!shiftend - run this command #session-announcements to end a shift.
Step 2: What to do in game
After announcing your shift and joining the game, please name yourself “Shift Host”. Example: Drintional - Shift Host. If you have a co-host, make sure they name themselves “Co-Host”.
Step 3: Time
Sessions here have a minimum time of 30 minutes. This means that you cannot end your session until at least 30 minutes have gone by. If you do end it before 30 minutes, you will receive a warning.
If you really need to leave, then please let an SHR+ know with your reasoning so you don’t get warned.
Step 4: Ending your shift
After your shift has reached the 30 minute mark, you can either continue it for however long you want to (max 2 hours) or end it. If you wish to end it, please do :h Shift Concluded, thank you all for attending in game and then end the shift on the group shout & discord as well. If you used assistant to host, then do !shiftend. It will automatically log your shift for you! If you didn’t use assistant, please log your shift in #shift-logs. Failure to do so will result in your shift not counting.
After you do that, congrats! You finished your shift. You may host another one after your 30 min cooldown is over.
Have any questions? Feel free to DM me.
~ Drintional