I decided not to build one because there was too little leeway. For example: no, you cannot walk around the map until you present a good layout.

I reckon it’d take more than 6 hours to build one of these maps. If I did work for 6 hours and got paid 50k with no 30% fee I’d be happy. Since 6 hours is like 2 days of work.

Actually we pay the 30% fee. It was a starting point. We’re happy to pay well more than that if the map was worth it.

The Beta has been out for several weeks so feel free to take a look.

Furthermore I like to think we do give lee-way. Example - GollyGreg wanted to take a closer look at our map to work on his so we just sent him the file.

This looks REALLY cool! Very nice work guys! ;D
Cant wait to play it :smiley:


It’s in Open Beta now :smiley: But it only tends to hot up around the evening as its paid access.

Are you guys still on the lookout for maps and builders? If so, I may like to contribute. I’m currently thinking of a mine (maybe with si-fi?) with carts as the moving part.

Zomebody is already working on a mine map and we don’t really want any more sci-fi stuff for now. Have you got any other ideas?

Yeah I was thinking of an arctic map but I’m having trouble coming up with a moving part.

‘Moving parts’ doesn’t mean you have to add something like a car or train. You can also take a more creative approach and include, for example, ice that melts or rocks that fall down at fixed intervals.

Thank you for clarifying that because I was thinking of a melting glacier that breaks off.

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