I decided not to build one because there was too little leeway. For example: no, you cannot walk around the map until you present a good layout.
I reckon it’d take more than 6 hours to build one of these maps. If I did work for 6 hours and got paid 50k with no 30% fee I’d be happy. Since 6 hours is like 2 days of work.
Actually we pay the 30% fee. It was a starting point. We’re happy to pay well more than that if the map was worth it.
The Beta has been out for several weeks so feel free to take a look.
Furthermore I like to think we do give lee-way. Example - GollyGreg wanted to take a closer look at our map to work on his so we just sent him the file.
This looks REALLY cool! Very nice work guys! ;D
Cant wait to play it
It’s in Open Beta now But it only tends to hot up around the evening as its paid access.
Are you guys still on the lookout for maps and builders? If so, I may like to contribute. I’m currently thinking of a mine (maybe with si-fi?) with carts as the moving part.
Zomebody is already working on a mine map and we don’t really want any more sci-fi stuff for now. Have you got any other ideas?
Yeah I was thinking of an arctic map but I’m having trouble coming up with a moving part.
‘Moving parts’ doesn’t mean you have to add something like a car or train. You can also take a more creative approach and include, for example, ice that melts or rocks that fall down at fixed intervals.
Thank you for clarifying that because I was thinking of a melting glacier that breaks off.
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