The long corridors will have pillars to duck behind, there are a few rooms with close combat, and there is the central area which is supposed to be similar to Nucleus in terms of the overall idea of a pit with railings with cover that the players can walk around to reach other areas of the map. The box on the bottom right is an overlook with firing holes in the side of it.
I prefer using unions.
That DOES NOT mean I can’t build.
I prefer not using unions.
Can’t build with or without them.
CSG has been a popular and extensively used form of 3D modeling since the '80s. Not using it when using it would make building something easier (like rounded door arches or a bowl) is like not using a hammer to drive a nail because you’ve gotten used to using a rock. Learning to use CSG well will translate over to other modeling software you may use in the future too.
I’m not saying there aren’t issues to be aware of or that it’s perfect for everything, but intentionally not using a powerful tool is an odd choice.
Oh we are absolutely fine with the use of CSG! Make no mistake. Our original post may be a little unclear on that:
“Have no overuse of CSG”
Using CSG to benefit building, like for arches or tubes, etc. we are absolutely fine with. We however realize that there are users out there who experience CSG loading as slower than normal bricks would, meaning they will see items popping in which is not something we want. Hitboxes with CSG are still somewhat wonky also (they work great on the shapes we use them for, but the more extensive use of CSG, the lesser chance of a good hitbox). Then there’s also the small issue of items sometimes not separating. We want to be able to make changes to our maps as time goes on. Small changes need to be able to be made without having to redo a large area. Especially in a game that’s about competitive play, where balance is important, this is key to us.
We should state that we aren’t looking for overextensive use of CSG (like a complex rock environment with smooth curves, or a 16th century church with amazing sculptures).
Indeed, like I said there are issues to be aware of and it’s important to know them and work around them, which you are. That’s a good thing.
- I meant to sent this as a message but it got in the middle of this thread on accident. Please delete it. -
A true builder would plant the trees such that they naturally grow into the structure he wants.
No offence was intended buddy sorry!
We are avoiding CSG for various reasons.
Your map flow is pretty iffy. I’d reconsider having two seperate branches from spawn coming from each other and the blank square room seems like a 2nd mid section…
Hey there, I started the spawn room, nothing really done yet expect for the lighting.
So this is the red spawn basement.
Looks great, Sof! Are you in contact with Owen? If not, we should share contact info.
No I’m not, you can contact me via twitter ? @Sofloan
Hi! I am interested. I will be adding you both on skype.
We still haven’t got a map together yet. And we’re still willing to pay in excess of R$ 50k.
Is anyone interested?
50k is $125
Let’s suppose it takes 6 hours to build a map. That’s about $21 an hour. I don’t think any skilled builders would be willing to work for so little. You should try paying them a % of the game profits in return for regular work instead. It’s a second wind of motivation since they’ll want the map to look good in order to help the game succeed.
We said in excess of R$ 50k. We simply said 50k because that seems in excess of the going rate.
First complaint we’ve had about the payment amount, I’ll take it a bit more seriously when it comes from someone actually wanting to build something.