We’re updating Heads!


Its not helpful for the community and has no pros, it just limits avatar customization and forces what roblox said they wouldn’t. Roblox’s own staff lied to us saying they wouldn’t touch classic avatars, but we were wrong.

Roblox keep lieing to us and releasing tragic unthought about features, its getting annoying now so can we just have a day where nothing bad happens ? maybe once ?. maybe sometime?


This is horrible, i dont think anybody wants these as a change for ALL faces, why can’t ROBLOX just upload an animated version for every face?

They always try to hide the past that made them be the company they are now, with this type of changes theres isn’t a “Powering imagination” anymore, there isn’t any imagination if all they trying to do its pulling up In Real Life things (irl) such as characters, that can be easily faked, an avatar doesn’t mean an exact copy of you, expresing your self means be able to make anything in this platform with all the features, ROBLOX is just removing those, the people that actually SPEND MONEY on the platform will not buy the dynamics heads, they are hyper inflated in the price, and most of them look disturbing. It isn’t cool, it isn’t friendly, looks absolutly CREPPY.

A child shouldn’t have a camera, or anything that could help someone to bully, or intimidate him/her. Thats why ROBLOX needs friendly characters as the Bacon, Noob, R6/15, Blocky. Its something special, is the soul of a ROBLOX avatar, its your own logo/Icon in the world, and you guys killing it for look “Cool” for investors, but you only loosing money, that says everything. Please fire the person behind this idea, and hear the comunity for once.

We dont hate on dynamic faces, we hate the choosing of deleating our/your soul as company/users with the destruction of this classic faces that gives a friendly vibe to ROBLOX.

Hear us out. We beg.


I guess take the least popular option and force it onto people while destroying the ability to use the popular option. :clap:t3::clap:t3:

No ROBLOX i don’t want to use dynamic heads because it doesn’t fit my avatar and the main reason is it’s very uncanny especially on R6 character.

I prefer to use the og faces since it has a charm that these new ones fail to replicate. Drawings have a charm and value to them, 3D can also have that hence the layered clothing options taking off, but with these faces if done right it would have that charm but it doesn’t.

On a related unrelated note I guess this will also eventually trickle down to older body parts and classic clothing as well. If they’re going to start doing this to us then why stop here with this obnoxious change?


The last time a reaction to an update was this bad, it was the audio update. I quite literally ratio’d the OP


They took the :3 face off-sale… i don’t think this will be great for the trout population.


Jeez there’s a lot of backlash here. Guess I’ll throw in my thoughts as well.

First of all, I just wanna point out that dynamic heads are a bundle type. If you’re taking classic faces offsale, at least include them in the new bundles.

This way, people can still obtain classic faces, and they get both the dynamic and classic variants of the face for one price, instead of having them be separate purchases. I don’t see any good reason to not do this.

I get that you want people to use dynamic heads, but they’re not a perfect replacement for some of the classic ones, and there’s a lot of weird compatibility issues with existing items.

  • They’re not all 1:1 recreations. Just compare some of them.

  • Classic faces can be worn on any classic head shape you want, provided it supports 2D faces.
    Animated faces have the limitation of only supporting whatever head shape they were created with, normally either the default block head or the Woman head.
    I’m guessing Roblox just picked whichever classic head+face combination was most popular, to decide which base head to model animated faces onto.

  • Why are they so expensive compared to their original 2D counterparts?
    The “Err…” face used to be 70 Robux before it was taken offsale. The dynamic version is 300.

  • What’s with the weird naming conventions? Why don’t they just use the same name as their original 2D counterparts?

    What is “Devon Default” supposed to mean? This is just the Woman head.

  • Why can individual face items (moods/eyebrows/eyelashes) not be customized? We should have some UI in the avatar editor for this.

  • What’s going to happen to Limited classic faces? If Roblox is taking all classic faces offsale, then are these going to be the only ones remaining? Converting these to dynamic heads won’t work, since dynamic heads are a bundle type, and you can’t trade bundles. Unless Roblox is planning on somehow making bundles tradeable…

  • And what about existing bundles that already include classic faces? We’re already seeing this happen with, for example, the “Woman” bundle and the “Makeup Minimalist” head, but having them be two separate purchases is just messy.

  • Also, the neck and face attachments are still offset. Please fix this sometime.

I have nothing against dynamic heads and I think they have a lot of potential, I just don’t understand how they’re being rolled out.


Seems like this “Be anything” statement starts to lose the truth.
I wouldn’t mind this update at all, if it wasn’t for Classic Faces going offsale
And seeing it potentially being R15 feature, I BET this will break R6 potentially or even literally get rid of it
Roblox. We really want features that make our lives as developers and consumers better, like light range limit unlock or LuaDoc, or anything like it. While adding features is a step towards greater versatility, going against what community wants, like Classic Faces staying, is NOT cool.

Including fact Dynamic Faces DO NOT fit with UGC accessories or anything like it because of the positioning.

New Dynamic Heads in overall fit with NEITHER the accessories and is just begging to break R6 if we CANNOT purchase (or even worse, WEAR) Classic Faces anymore. Also will include the fact we’re FORCED to purchase these.


Another Face removed, @Roblox destroying the platform for us live

get the popcorn ready, there forcing dynamic heads and there own staff are lieing saying it wont be.


why is this still here


First the classic uniquely shaped heads from 2009 being taken offsale in 2017, then the introduction of Rthro, a less controversial but not very needed layered clothing (its alright) and now arguably an even dumber decision on your part, dynamic heads?

I really do love the imaginative and innovative dynamic heads! Let’s take some of the most popular classic faces on the catalog off-sale, and replace them with uglier, dumbed downed versions with different head shapes (looking at freckles having a female shaped head), and not to mention they ruin most face accessories too with the eye positioning being horrible.

I really can’t say anything positive about this platform, as popular as it is. This is not the right direction. I hope all legacy features will continue to be supported and used in the future and just know that even with all this new stuff your releasing, sorry to tell you this, but nobody is using it. It’s pretty obvious when 90% or more of the playerbase still stick to legacy features even years after the push of all these “innovative” things.


This is a bad update, Roblox shouldn’t take the classic faces offsale to force these new animated faces. Most players don’t want some crappy face that doesn’t work with most accessories shoved down their throats. Honestly it’s just plain terrible.


Another stupid decision from roblox. I’m fine with the animated faces, but can you stop forcing them on us??? They’re the default for accounts, and older and VERY popular faces are being removed in place of these obvious downgrades.
Why are you so exited about erasing your history?? the exact same thing is happening with rthro, full downgrade, and major push from roblox staff who couldn’t be more disconnected from the original community.

This isn’t game breaking or grounds for quitting, but the fact that these decisions keep getting made at an alarming rate is REALLY concerning for the future of the roblox platform, and it’s astonishing that even with the stock drops you keep pumping them out.

Please just help the community, we are literally screaming at you to stop, fix, or amend these issues but we wont stay here for much longer if you keep this up.

Edit: I’ll also add, what is the use of the dev forum, or this post for that matter, if you will stay blind to the comments adamantly stating that we don’t want this, not now, not ever.


I guess this counts



While Roblox has multiple advantages over other platforms or publishing things on your own (depending on use case of course), the engine itself isn’t really one of them. I recognize there is much room for improvement as well, but I don’t feel it’s exactly fair to reduce Roblox to the engine only.


What’s with the long face?
jokes aside, that looks completely incorrect compared to the normal classic faces. only if the people who made these faces actually took consideration of body types and accessories…


The animated heads are a bit higher than the classic heads, it would be best to allow all players to choose which heads they prefer and not just replace the old ones.

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This is terrible.
Only a small percentage of people would completely prefer the animated heads over the classic faces.


Just look how ugly they are, I mean cmon nobody even uses the other heads in the first place. Little accessories actually support head shapes like these and dynamic heads is gonna make everything even more complicated because EVEN MORE accessories will not be supported. Classic heads are so sought after and now they are gone people want them back even more. Not whatever this is…

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Woulda been an alright update if it didn’t offsale classic faces. offsaling the classic faces is completely unecessary.


Absolutely not. If you want to encourage dynamic heads and stop actively creating classic faces, fine. I get it–but it makes no sense to restrict us from being able to create our avatars the way we feel comfortable.

I co-own a fashion game and almost none of our players are willing to use dynamic heads because of how awful they look. You haven’t even coverted nearly any of the feminine faces that my community heavily relies on.

I was genuinely hoping for the exact opposite situation–that you were going to allow creators to create UGC faces so that they wouldn’t be forced to create them as awkward hat and face accessories. This is just terrible.