We’re updating Heads!

Can an admin or team member answer questions for like twenty minutes ?

We have so much questions and constructive criticism to share its unreal.

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I would go ape if epic face ever becomes a limited. Roblox would gain a powerful enemy

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Hey I was just asking. I always want to avoid bias and un-just treatment when I can

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I like how roblox is making heads/faces animated. But I think it is wrong that they removed a lot of the classic faces, as roblox wants to promote self-expression but they remove more options for there users avatars and try to promote new ones that not everyone wants to use.


too many people talking and its also chaotic rn

yeah, far from it… lol

well hey, I’m glad to of been a part of this… thing. Whatever it is… Kinda gave me OG Roblox Forum vibes.

I’d really prefer if this was optional. The decision to take existing faces off-sale that work with any existing head is a bit too forceful.

I think the idea itself could be really cool but the idea of an avatar on this platform is that you make said avatar to fit what you want it to be. Having limitations on what faces you can buy is hindering the imagination of users.

A “meet me in the middle” type scenario could be that the animated heads are bundled with the original face so that users have the choice of using either.

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It’s not, they cancelled all limiteds

Your dead meme Newgrounds face is secure, lol

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no need for ‘deprecation’ when you made a statement to your audience regarding keeping the R6 rig and whatnot.

i’m dismissing you as a troll at this rate

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Roblox, why didn’t you response it

Roblox has the funniest opportunity to do ever Remove headless head and replace it with a pumpkin head.


i think a dynamic head version of these old items could be cool as lets be honest dynamic heads are goofy so it wouldn’t affect the offsale face to be honest. Also Roblox are updating the hex head, they will ALL be updated. I Think they might bring out a beast mode dynamic head and stuff. i think that would be kind of cool as long as there expensive.

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This post proves roblox doesnt listen to anyone whats so ever,

make classic faces limited or bring em back please thanks.


These updates are handled by a team inside the company, which usually only one of the few people working on it uses the DevForum.

I believe you misunderstood. I thought nobody actually bought these decals on a head. Nor did people really buy the heads. Maybe I just don’t customize my avatar enough, but I feel like this update isn’t too bad since it does not affect me.

Sure, it affects new users who want to buy new faces, but that isn’t our issue personally. Unless you get banned from Roblox, which sure happens often.

Gamers… this idea sucks…!

Additionally: Layered clothing ALSO sucks…!


Layered clothing crashes my PC. That’s all I have to say about it.

Let’s hope they don’t make layered hats.

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I’m legit going to make an awards show for terrible changes like this and model a trophy just for this platform. :+1:t3:

I think one of the category’s should include days without Roblox ever listening to its community and playing it off as “we listened.”


What can we even do to get the message to them? Anyone got any ideas??? (because this clearly isnt gonna work)

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400+ replies and not a single reply, not even a reply cooldown, they know this thread and update is a mess.

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It would be happening daily, and you will have to dedicate a good half of your life to giving it out.

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